整理自Wiki,如何..首先是自带穿盾激光的Federation Cruiser剧情任务,在Rebel Stronghold这个星系(地图上为红点),在这个星系里会遇到一个叛军船坞,发现叛军正在制造旗舰2号,不过没造好,与之
超越光速 wiki翻..此贴包含Faster Than Light Advanced(超越光速 高级版)的各类攻略,经验,技巧,心得。 资料来自Wiki,个人渣翻译附上一部分专业单词的中英对照,也有个人经验夹杂在里面,凑合看
An extensive guide to Minecraft doesn t have to reside on wiki pages alone: why not a book? Alex Wiltshire has poured a ton of knowledge into the Blockopedia, and new players and die-hard fans will find a lot of great details inside. Best of all, with advanced Book technology you can...
FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki 418 pages Explore Ships • Crew • Equipment Sectors • Events • Stores Game Mechanics Other in: Systems Door System Edit Door System room (console on the right) Doors control panel Allows opening and closing of doors and airlocks. ...
This random event occurs in: Civilian Sector Engi Controlled Sector Engi Homeworlds Hidden Crystal Worlds Mantis Controlled Sector Mantis Homeworlds Pirate Controlled Sector Rebel Controlled Sector Rebel Stronghold Rock Controlled Sector Rock Homeworlds
需要先在 Engi 的主星系 (Homeworld) 里某个随机跳点 (beacon) 中接到解锁任务. 注意是 Engi 的主星系, 而不是受 Engi 控制 (Engi-controlled) 的星系. 这个跳点没有特何特徵, 没有求助信号 (Distress), 在长程扫描器 (Long-Range Scanner, LRS) 上也不会标记为环境危害或有船舰提示. 接到任务之后会...
这游戏真的是不错,特别是engi飞船 只在简单难度通过关,最后boss有3个阶段,汗
Strategies - FTL Wiki 这里详细分析了各种 Ship Type 的优势和劣势.但是, FTL 的策略选择还是相对单一...
To avoid giving players an unfair advantage, some dialogue remains untagged or tagged ambiguously. For example the outcomes of the real/decoy Rebel ship fights in the Engi Homeworlds quest, or the 'moon counting' event. I'm unsure what the 'chance', 'min', 'max', and 'timer' values ac...