【授权转载/99.99%生肉】第二期 :ike的FTL攻略之旗舰指南(简单难度)FTL tips_ beginners' Flagship guide 小叮当就是我 【FTL多元宇宙】旗舰与希尔凡领主的300回合大战 o黑夜之魅o 从零开始的困难全舰船攻略配套视频第一集红隼A 小叮当就是我 【授权转载/熟肉】第24期:Mike的FTL攻略之氧气修理 FTL tips: fixi...
【授权转载/熟肉】第6期:Mike的FTL攻略之隐形时机 FTL tips: Cloak timing 42 -- 12:45 App FTL困难无盾联邦C(第二、三阶段旗舰) 44 -- 6:42 App FTL困难无盾红隼C 31 -- 8:50 App FTL困难无盾隐形A 17 -- 13:24 App FTL困难无盾拉厄尼斯A 162 -- 10:15 App 【授权转载/熟肉/必看技...
ftl可以依托理论性的东西 做攻略,不过下面写的类似于tips,是碎片化的提示,这种模式可能更适合ftl,同样,各种特殊攻略也是碎片化的,基本会在视频做或翻译Mike的视频,非常重要的会在各舰船攻略中说明。所以接下来首先是Mike的tips视频中的tips。 26楼2022-03-24 19:58 回复 神奇的Victor Crystal 8 1、看教程(ftl...
FTL is a deceptively simple game that may seem easy at first, but quickly overwhelms new players as they get a few sectors in. Being a master of all things strategy, I’ve compiled a few tips to help you make it through the game without your ship ending up blasted into spacedust. #1...
【【授权转载/熟肉】第1期:Mike的FTL攻略之新手指南 FTL tips_ beginners' guide-哔哩哔哩】https://...
FTL: Faster Than Light: Described as a 'spaceship simulation roguelike-like' by its developers, Subset Games, you won't be doing a whole lot of boldly going where no one has gone before in FTL: Faster Than Light. In fact, most of your time will be spent
Have your essentials be at your finger tips (or toe tips) while traveling - highly organized and easy to access Carries more than a backpack Carries more than a backpack while keeping you organized and strapping right onto your roller bag Easy access to all your essentials Whether it's a...
Here are some tips to look out for when evaluating and working with FTL providers to ensure your needs and shipping requirements are being met. Be cautious of additional drop-offs: When the entire truck is dedicated to your delivery, the shipment should move quickly. Without making additional ...
更新一下,最近又在NS上玩了一次,尝试各小队无伤通关(不损建筑30000分),下面说一下各小队hard无伤通关的一些tips: 默认队伍:没有短板的队伍,技师选择偏移动向的,Prospero(能飞的)或… 如何评价FTL团队新作《into the breach》? GOUKI 2014 年度新知答主 ...