This mod is generally what the title says, a Star Wars Mod. This mod is aimed at adding several star wars elements into FTL. Currently, all of the new player ships are added, along with an arsenal of new weapons. Have fun with the mod! +Add...
FTL-Star Wars Faster Than Light mod | TBD summary articles files videos images This mod is generally what the title says, a Star Wars Mod. This mod is aimed at adding several star wars elements into FTL. Currently, all of the new player ships are added, along with an arsenal of ...
FTL: Advanced Edition 4.6/5 Deutsch, English & 8 weitere 41 Zur KasseIn Den EinkaufswagenAls Geschenk kaufenZur KasseIn Den EinkaufswagenAls Geschenk kaufenJetzt kaufenInstallieren Auf die WunschlisteAuf der Wunschliste Beschreibung Features der FTL: Advanced Edition: ...
FTL-Star Wars v. - mod File Type:mod, File Size:15 MB, Downloads:4.3K, Last 7 days:2, Last Update:May 13, 2016 FTL: Faster Than Light - FTL-Star Wars v. - mod - 15 MB FTL: Multiverse 5.4 - mod File Type:mod, File Size:702.7 MB, Downloads:273, Last 7 ...
FTL: Supremacy vv.1.0.1 - mod - 355.3 MB FTL: Faster Than Light - FTL: Supremacy vv.1.0.1 - mod - 355.3 MB v1.6.7 +5 Trainer - 4 MB FTL: Faster Than Light - v1.6.7 +5 Trainer - 4 MB FTL-Star Wars v. - mod - 15 MB FTL: Faster Than Light - FTL-Star War...
Basically what this mod aims to do is allow you to play as the Rebel Flagship in FTL, however as long as this mod is installed the Slug Type A ship will be unplayable. The ship has all the parts from each of its "Stages" that means mind control, drones..