FTIRShallow trapIt is important to characterize photocatalysts by in-situ techniques. In this work, the high pressure temperature-programmed in-situ Fourier Transform Infrared Diffuse Reflection Spectroscopy (FTIR-DRS) was employed to evaluate shallow trap states in Cu-doped TiO 2 photocatalyst. It ...
DRSFESEMXRDFTIRNanocomposites of CuCr2O4 were fabricated by the sol-gel method using copper nitrate and chromium nitrate as precursors (molar ratio of 1:2) under thermal decomposition. The copper nitrate and chromium nitrate sol have been prepared by dissolving the precursors in ethylene glycol, ...
病情分析:早期幼儿混合型脑瘫的治愈率较低,通常需要长期的综合治疗和干预措施来改善症状,提高生活质量。 1.病情复杂性:混合型脑瘫是指患儿同时存在两种或多种类型的脑瘫症状,例如痉挛型和运动障碍型,这使得治疗方案更加复杂。由于此类脑瘫涉及多个运动功能障碍,治疗面临更大挑战。 2.目前医疗水平:虽然目前医学无法彻底...
The advantages of the DRS-FTIR method are its simplicity, sensitivity and suitability for high-throughput analysis towards the food samples.doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.07.129Ramsingh Kurrey aMithlesh Mahilang aManas Kanti Deb aJayant Nirmalkar b...
Synthesis and Characterisation of ZnO Nanoparticals by XRD, EDX, SEM, FTIR and UV-DRSA. E. Athare
The characterization of chitosan and the LMWSC, FTIR spectra (A) and DRS patterns (B).Zhanwei MaWenyan WangYing WuYiming HeTinghua Wu
DRSFESEMXRDFTIRNanocomposites of CuCr2O4were fabricated by the sol-gel method using copper nitrate and chromium nitrate as precursors (molar ratio of 1:2) under thermal decomposition. The copper nitrate and chromium nitrate sol have been prepared by dissolving the precursors in ethylene glycol, ...
N2O decomposition and reduction on Co-MOR, Fe-MOR and Ni-MOR catalysts: in situ UV–vis DRS and operando FTIR investigation. An insight on the reaction pathwaysN2O decompositionN2O reductionMethaneMOROperando FTIRCo-, Fe- or Ni-exchanged Na-MOR (Si/Al=9.2) were prepared by ion-exchange ...