Raman method illuminates a sample with a monochromatic light from a laser; the illuminated sample material gives off light of a different color (Raman shifted light, which means a different wavelength or color, see Fig. 3). The Raman effect light has specific spectral peaks whichindicate ...
原位XPS、原位XRD、原位Raman、原位FTIR 加急测试 朱老师 158 7177 4683 学研汇是全球科研服务创新平台,长期致力于科研测试技术服务。基于国内外顶级科研单位和仪器公司的商业资源,以及数千名科技顾问,为全球科研人员提供包括同步辐射(XAS、XRD、SAXS,高能+中低能)、球差电镜、FIB-TEM;原位红外、原位XPS、原位XRD、原位...
"After many years of research and development in near-field microscopy, we finally made our dream come true to perform infrared imaging & spectroscopy at the nanoscale. With neaSNOM we can additionally realize Raman, fluorescence and non-linear nano-spectroscopy." ...
Pharmaceutical analysis with FTIR, NIR, MIR, and Raman in a compact platform Pharmaceutical laboratories face strong regulatory requirements and market pressures at every step along the product development pipeline. On...
Pharmaceutical analysis with FTIR, NIR, MIR, and Raman in a compact platform Pharmaceutical laboratories face strong regulatory requirements and market pressures at every step along the product development pipeline. On...
报道了莽草酸的FTIR,固态及饱和液态的FT-Raman光谱,归属并分析了莽草酸分子内各基团的 振动峰位及其相应基团在两种振动光谱中的振动峰位变化规律。利用表面增强拉曼散射(SEI )光谱及表面 吸附选择定律研究了莽草酸在以银粒子为活性基底表面的吸附状态及其不同浓度变化对其SERS的影响, ...
Moreover, when Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy are coupled with microscopy, particles down to a size of 1 μm and 10–20 μm can be detected, respectively [48,49,50,51]. These two analytical tools present their own advantages and disadvantages related to size resolution, measurement time and...
The effect of the layer-by- layer deposition was evaluated by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and static contact angle measurements. The ... LU Delong MENG Sheng ZHONG Wei DU Qiang-guo GONG Li LIU Jinfen Dusan Bakos - 中国科学通报:英文版 被引量: 12发表: 2005年 Effect of Therma...
Evaluation of degradation in chemical compounds of wood in historical buildings using FT-IR and FT-Raman vibrational spectroscopy Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología, 21 (3) (2019), pp. 381-392 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [25] A. Rohman, A. Windarsih, E. Lukitaningsih, M. Rafi, K. Betania...