FTIR spectrum analysis. Lecture notesFallis, A.G
2、 填充 Calibration(校正)表:Name 栏输入组分名称,Unit 栏输入单位名称;选择文件树 中标准谱图,双击或拖曳谱图至 Spectrum栏中,谱图显示于下部窗口中;Concentration 栏输入 各标准谱图的浓度值 。 3、 选择定量方式:Single wavenumber(单波数)、Peak area(峰面 积)或 Peak height(峰高)。选择单波数法,...
Three 、 infrared absorption spectrum analysis A typical infrared spectrum is shown:In order to facilitate the analysis of infrared spectrum, the spectrum is usually divided into eight different sections. According to the corresponding absorption peaks, the possible structure of the compounds can be ...
Spectroscopic analysis software Based on the materials you routinely inspect, you designate the best spectral region for the application, choose the spectral resolution, and determine how much signal averaging is required to produce an acceptable spectrum for a Pass/Fail with no chance for error or ...
Three、infraredabsorptionspectrumanalysis Atypicalinfraredspectrumisshown: Inordertofacilitatetheanalysisofinfraredspectrum,the spectrumisusuallydividedintoeightdifferentsections. Accordingtothecorrespondingabsorptionpeaks,thepossible structureofthecompoundscanbededuced. ...
Simultaneously view and collect an infrared (IR) spectrum with the Czitek™ SurveyIR™ Microspectroscopy Accessory. Place this microsampling accessory in the sample compartment of the Nicolet Summit FTIR Spectrometer to view and collect data in reflection, transmission, and ATR modes. A choice...
suggestingthatthepresenceOfOXygenaffectssignificantlythebreakOfthepOly- mericchains KeyWOrdS POlyether-pOlyurethane ; POlyester-pOlyurethane ; Insituinfraredspectrum C ReceivedJun 29 2005 ; acceptedSep 20 2005 ) 。COrrespOndingauthOr 8 2 6 光谱学与光谱分析 第 26 卷相关...
stem and leaf of different parts.More information could be revealed for the result of FTIR spectral analysis via FTIR second derivative spectrum,especially the information of the combination between flavonoids and glycosides.The effects of UV-B radiation on chemical composition in radix,stem and leaf...
生物柴油混合物的ft i r分析analysis of biodiesel blends by ftir岛津制作所生物柴油燃料是以来自生物的油脂为原料制造的柴油发动机用燃料,有利于防止地球变暖而引人注目,在世界各国实用化不断取得进展。生物柴