ftirfourierspectroscopytransforminfraredinterferogram Page1of12 FOURIERTRANSFORMINFRA-RED(FTIR)SPECTROSCOPY PARTONETHEORYANDOPERATIONPRINCIPLEOFFTIRSPECTROMETER 1.INTRODUCTION Thetotalinternalenergyofamoleculeinafirstapproximationcanbe resolvedintothesumofrotational,vibrationalandelectronicenergy levels.Infraredspectroscopyisthe...
Principle of IR Spectroscopy IR spectroscopy uses thermal radiation, which is invisible to the human eye, and interacts with matter by triggering lattice or molecular based vibrations. Each type of diamond has characteristic wavelength-regions where these vibrations occur. The light is being absorbed a...
The utility model relates to a multi-component gas monitoring device based on an FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) principle. The device comprises a power management module, an FTIR infrared sampling device, a data acquiring, processing and analyzing module and a real-time controlling ...
1 The principle of ATR-FTIR spectroscopy , 和相应的微观反应机制 而使用各种光谱技术研究 2. 2 Sampling methods and ATR accessory 界面反应过程则可以获得更直观和微观的反应信 3 Application of ATR-FTIR in the study of adsorption 。 (UHV ) 息 相比需要高真空 工作环境的各种电子 on the environmental...
The literature on SYPRO™ Ruby metal-chelate stain was re-evaluated and the effect of its application on proteinaceous media typically found in cultural heritage samples was assessed using the combination with optical microscopy (OM) and μ-FTIR spectroscopy. It is still common practice among ...
关键词环境微界面矿物吸附ATR-FTIR 中图分类号:O657.3;O647;X131文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-281X(2010)06-1185-10 ApplicationofATR-FTIRSpectroscopyintheStudyof AdsorptiononEnvironmentalMicro-Interfaces YangXiaofang 1,2 WangDongsheng 1 SunZhongxi 3 LiuHuijuan 1 AllanHolmgren 2 (1.ResearchCenterforEco-Env...
Keywords: blood cells;fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy;functional group;lab-on-a-chip
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has been employed to study cancer-derived EVs [11]. Exploiting the very nature of its principle of detection—non-destructive and label-free molecular profiling of the nucleic acid, lipid, and protein content that requires only minimal sample preparation...