类型Handheld FTIR Spectrometer 谱库多种即用型特定应用谱库 采样模块(可更换) Diamond-ATR Diffuse reflectance Ge-ATR Grazing angle Specular reflectance Retro-reflector 重量2.2kg 高度35cm 收藏该商铺 请登录后再收藏 提示 您的留言已提交成功!我们将在第一时间回复您~...
Handheld FTIR: 4200 FlexScan Spectrometer The 4200 FlexScan Series FTIR (handheld) is a dual module system the optical module weighs 3 lbs and it is attached to the 4 lb electronics module by a power cable. The electronics module can be worn on a belt or in a shoulder pack. The 4200 an...
The 4300 Handheld FTIR system provides real time answers to make critical decisions in a wide range of applications. The 4300 is a flexible platform for many different sa
The new revision of software that powers the Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer—as well as Agilent handheld and mobile FTIR systems—is now supported on Microsoft’s latest operating system – Windows 11. The MicroLab Pharma 5.8 software now also utilizes Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Express, supported by ...
These distortions present in the spectra obtained with handheld devices make their resolution very difficult unless the working mode of the devices is well known and a suitable DRIFT database is available. With the aim of getting the most suitable tools to perform analyses in the field, this ...
类型 Handheld FTIR Spectrometer 谱库 多种即用型特定应用谱库 采样模块(可更换) Diamond-ATR Ge-ATR Specular reflectance Diffuse reflectance Grazing angle Retro-reflector 重量 2.2 kg 高度 35 cm 安捷伦 4300 手持式 FTIR 光谱仪,4300 安捷伦 4300 手持式 FTIR 光谱仪信息由安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司为您...
Application note: Foreign Body Identification in Foods via FTIR and Handheld XRF Streamlined FTIR analysis of dimethicone with OMNIC Paradigm Workflow Application Note: Mixed vs. Pure: How FTIR can assess enantiomers of amino acid samples Application Note: Measuring isomers and polymorphs ...
Agilent 4300 Handheld FTIR WITH DTGS DETECTOR For mobile, easy to use, non-destructive FTIR analysis The Agilent 4300 Handheld FTIR is the first of its kind employing lightweight ergonomics, ease of use, ruggedness, and flexibility into one system. With its lighter weight and new design, the ...
Portable FT-IR spectrometers: FTIR engine Little ones making it big: Spectrometer modules small enough for handheld devices Request info or quote Download brochure All about Hamamatsu Photonics Product classification FTIR engine Product categories FTIR spectrometers portable FT-IR spectrometers Application...
Application note: Foreign Body Identification in Foods via FTIR and Handheld XRF Streamlined FTIR analysis of dimethicone with OMNIC Paradigm Workflow Application Note: Mixed vs. Pure: How FTIR can assess enantiomers of amino acid samples Application Note: Measuring isomers and polymorphs ...