Data analysis anytime, anywhere:With full Wi-Fi connectivity on your PC, you can send data to your Thermo Fisher Connect account in the Cloud and analyze data away from the lab. Share data and collaborate with colleagues anywhere in the world to accelerate your research. Keep students eng...
Data analysis anytime, anywhere:With full Wi-Fi connectivity on your PC, you can send data to your Thermo Fisher Connect account in the Cloud and analyze data away from the lab. Share data and collaborate with colleagues anywhere in the world to accelerate your research. Keep students eng...
Novel, Rapid Screening Technique for Sugar Syrup Adulteration in Honey using fluorescence spectroscopy. Foods. 11, 2316 (2022) CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar A.A. Bunaciu, H.Y. Aboul-Enein, Honey discrimination using Fourier transform-Infrared Spectroscopy. Chemistry. 4, 848–854 (...
2022, Food Chemistry Show abstract Bioaugmentation treatment of a novel microbial consortium for degradation of organic pollutants in tannery wastewater under a full-scale oxic process 2021, Biochemical Engineering Journal Citation Excerpt : The 1617 cm−1 signal infrared region represents amide I, whic...
[5]: [6]: Wafers Used ...
Full size table References Download references Acknowledgements D.L.D. Freitas would like to thank CAPES/PPGQ/UFRN for financial support. L.G. Silva would like to thank the Post-Graduate Program in Chemistry (PPGQ) of UFRN and the CNPq for financial support. C.L.M. Morais would like to...
Full size image Figure2reports a processed FTIR image of a region framed in Fig.1. In this image, the absorbance at 1230 cm−1representative of phosphate vibrations found in nucleic acids has been divided by the absorbance at 1655 cm−1representative of proteins. Epithelial cells surroundin...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 2. FTIR Spectra Concentration Series 2–35 % lard in palm oil. The peak at region 3035–2984 cm−1, originated due to the stretching vibrations of the cis olefinic double bond and the methylene asymmetrical stretching, as mentioned by Che man et...
Full spectral processing and analysis tools (baseline correction, spectra math, peak area, peak height, etc.) Quantification prediction for Beer’s Law, PLS, CLS, etc. Multiple project windows and multi-monitor support...
Data analysis anytime, anywhere:With full Wi-Fi connectivity on your PC, you can send data to your Thermo Fisher Connect account in the Cloud and analyze data away from the lab. Share data and collaborate with colleagues anywhere in the world to accelerate your research. Keep students...