The cuvette consists of two windows with a measuring volume lying between them. The windows are connected across a spacer, at at least two opposite edges. At least one window is formed by a silicon panel. The distance between windows is 3 mu m-200 mu m. The space between the windows ...
It is therefore possible that the isothermal conditions may not have been maintained in the cuvette holder; this may explain the higher conversion rate and extent of conversion for the cuvette-based experiments. In the case of the power-compensated DSC, the smaller sample mass and the intimate ...
All UV-vis absorption spectra were measured in water on an Agilent 8453 UV-visible ChemStation equipped with a 1 cm path length quartz cuvette. FTIR-DRIFT spectra were measured with a Nicolet Nexus-670 spectrophotometer with integrated diffuse reflectance optics (Spectra-Tech Collector II). We ...
1-cm Quartz cuvette for Raman: ~3 mL of sample needed per measurement FTIR Measurements: Ethanol signals throughout the spectrum will be observed but quantitative measurements will be made at 1044 cm -1 . Solutions containing water absorb too strongly in the ...
An FTIR-spectrometer Vertex 70 (Bruker, Germany) equipped with a lift-model single-beam-sample-reference (SBSR) ATR mirror attachment with a hydrodynamically optimized and thermostated cuvette (flow-through cell) from Optispec, (Neerach, Switzerland) has been used. A trapezoidal Germanium-crystal...
KY-90 system KY-90-LED-TV μm depth&height HM-90, 3DM-90, microscope, base,focus arm, eyepiece, objective, illuminator SPF-290AS, SPF measurement Autocollimator EAC-1012-19-FO-E, EAC-1012, EAC-HR, LAT-U3, EAC-1012-L Alignmeter ...
The temperature-jump was triggered by rapidly injecting a small volume of the thermally unfolded protein solution at 80°C into a special cuvette system kept at 20°C. The dead-time of the injection and the time resolution of the FTIR spectrometer permitted the observation of refolding processes...
One of the ways to trigger reactions in the infrared cuvette is the use of caged compounds, reactions, even if they are very small. One of the ways to trigger reactions in the infrared cuvette is the use of caged compounds, photosensitive molecules that release a desired effector molecule ...
An apparatus for quantitative analysis of aqueous prverved using a FTIR instrument with thick cuvetteANDREAS SKAERLUND FRANDSEN