The rate constant of the second ring closure reaction was found to be approximately three to four times the rate constant of the first ring closure reaction. 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0488(199602)34:3<435::AID-POLB4>3.0.CO;2-SRong...
An open aluminum crucible of 100 µl volume was used for the measurements. The TGA temperature program ran dynamically from 25 °C to 250 °C at a heating rate of 10 K/min; nitrogen was used as inert gas with a flow rate of 70 ml/min. The gaseous components evolved were detected b...
curingkinetic,epoxyresin,infraredspectrum,conversion rate 题,本实验采用原位及离位FTIR法研究了环氧树脂固化动 0引言 力学并进行了比较,得出准确的固化动力学参数,为确定该 环氧树脂由于固化收缩率低、具有良好的粘结性能而被环氧树脂体系的最佳固化条件提供了理论指导。 广泛用于胶黏剂材料。研究胶黏剂的固化动力学对...
Regarding NLIM methods, Vyazovkin and Cai are the most common models in this category and can estimate Ea accurately using numerical integration and avoiding the data noises; therefore, Ea for each conversion rate was determined using these models in Eqs (7, 8). Meanwhile, DAEM and IPR ...
T he reaction rate 0{ PHBI-IQfDDM in the isot hermal curing at 9~ C E xtent of reaction 图5 PHB 在90℃下等温 . HQIDDM 固化 反应 速度常数曲线 Fig 5 T he reaction ra te ~otl~ al2t of PH唧 /I)DM in the isothermal c ur1 ...
Results showed that applying cure pressure on unsaturated polyester resins reduced the reaction rate but increased the final conversion. The styrene reaction was enhanced more than the polyester reaction at high curing temperatures.doi:10.1002/app.1989.070370821Y. S. Yang...
The final curing temperature of two precursors was determined by a combination of thermogravimetric analysis and infrared absorption spectroscopy. A new method for the determination of the ID was proposed using in situ infrared spectroscopy, and the thermal imidization kinetics of PAA and PAAS were ...
while Part B is used for the polyisocyanate resins. Two pack systems can only be used as two component coatings. The polyaddition process starts directly after mixing Part A and B and the curing process may be completed at ambient temperature. The concentration of polyisocyanates, most often HD...
Nowadays, the PIR term is used to describe foams which exhibit good fire resistance (at least a B-2 class fire rate, in accordance with DIN 4102) rather than a specific index. But everything is not so simple and internal works (not published) clearly indicate that the level of halogen ...
Curing kinetics and final conversion were monitored in these layers, with higher conversion and faster kinetics being observed near the exposed surface. Due to the scattering and absorption effects within the uppermost layers, photopolymerization rate and percent conversion declined as a function of ...