The total array of FTIR applications is extensive. Learn about some of the more common applications of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy.
The total array of FTIR applications is extensive. Learn about some of the more common applications of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy.
The peaks, which are also called absorbance bands, correspond with the various vibrations of the sample’s atoms when it’s exposed to the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. For mid-range IR, the wave number on the infrared spectrum is plotted between 4,000 to 400 cm-1. The ...
These measurements are compared to the known absorption peaks of the reference material, and any discrepancies are noted and addressed.在调整了仪器设置之后,使用参考材料进行一系列测量,以验证校准的准确性。将这些测���结果与参考材料的已知吸收峰进行比较,并对任何不符之处进行记录和处理。 In ...
The FTIR results were processed by second derivative spectra, common peak ratio and variation peak ratio dual index sequence analysis and cluster analysis. Puerarin was used as reference peaks. HPLC fingerprint similarity and cluster analysis were given on P. lobata from each ...
annua and sibling species revealed the identification of 28 components and 17 common peaks. A. annua and sibling species leaf oils contained high amounts of camphorꎬ á~Cadineneꎬ crocetaneꎬ phytanꎬ 2ꎬ 4~di~t~Butylphenol. The results indicated the apparent difference in the volatile...
As a multigas monitoring technology, FTIR provides a complete analysis spectrum from the sample gas and as a result it was possible to investigate the response peaks for NO2 in addition to any other gases present. Duggan’s investigation showed peaks for NO2 and also found peaks fo...
A typical infrared spectrum is shown:In order to facilitate the analysis of infrared spectrum, the spectrum is usually divided into eight different sections. According to the corresponding absorption peaks, the possible structure of the compounds can be deduced.A) O-H and N-H stretching vibration ...
Accordingtothecorrespondingabsorptionpeaks,thepossible structureofthecompoundscanbededuced. A)O-HandN-Hstretchingvibrationzone(3750-3000cm-1) Alcohol,phenol,acidinnonpolarsolvents,small concentration(dilutesolution),thesharppeakofstrong absorption;whentheconcentrationishigh,theassociation ...
The strong ester peaks at 1750 (the C=O vibration) and around 1170 – 1200 cm-1 (C-O vibrations) are clear, and are the basis for the quantitative analysis method. There is no interference in the 1750 cm-1 region, but the petroleum signals do interfere with the 1170 – 1200 cm-1 ...