FTIR analysis To get insights they need, today’s art conservators are turning to the scientific analysis. One of the most common techniques is Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FITR) analysis, which enables them to identify the chemical makeup of paints, fillers and binders using an infra...
new compounds can be added to the database. Then, when an incoming or unknown sample arrives, the FTIR operator can quickly use the chemical “fingerprint” of the sample to correlate it to a compound in
G.P, Bio-Chemical Analysis and FTIR-Spectral Studies of Artificially Removed Renal Stone Mineral Constituents, Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, 8(2), 161-170, 2009.Kanchana, G, Sundaramoorthi, P, Jeyanthi, GP (2009) Bio-chemical analysis and FTIR-spectral studies...
Keywords:Infraredspectrum;A.cantoniensis;Chemicalconstituents;Flavonoids;Saponin;Polysaccharide 鸡骨草AbruscantoniensisHance,又名广州相思子、细叶鸡骨草、小叶鸡骨草,为豆科相思子属植物[1],原产广西、广东等南部省区,以广西的栽培面积最大,是广西的道地药材,其植株含相思子碱、皂苷、黄酮苷、胆碱、甾醇类、氨基酸...
FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) and ATR (Attenuated Total Reflection) are common techniques used in the field of spectroscopy for chemical analysis. Both techniques require regular calibration to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained.红外光谱(FTIR)和衰减全反射(ATR)是化学分析领域...
LIANG Shangfeng,HAN Tianyuan,LIU Zhen,et al. Research progress on nylon modification[J]. Modern Chemical Research,2023(5):14‒16. 2李积迁,何和智.尼龙6改性研究进展[J].塑料科技,2009,37(6):82‒86. LI Jiqian,HE ...
ftir分析方法(FTIRanalysismethod) Two,groupfrequencyandcharacteristicabsorptionpeak Eachmoleculeoftheconstituentmoleculehasitsspecific infraredabsorptionregion.Accordingtothenatureofchemical bond,whichcanbedividedintofourregions:4000-2500cm-1 -2000cm-12500hydrogenbondedarea;2000-1500cm-1and ...
LIANG Shangfeng,HAN Tianyuan,LIU Zhen,et al. Research progress on nylon modification[J]. Modern Chemical Research,2023(5):14‒16. 2李积迁,何和智.尼龙6改性研究进展[J].塑料科技,2009,37(6):82‒86. LI Jiqian,HE ...
(PXRD)technology.The peak shape of chemical constituents in each organ of C.blumei remained invariable basically with different concentrations of Se treatments,except certain transmission peak shifts of some functional groups such as hydroxy groups(3 360~3 906cm-1),carboxyl groups(1 321~1 333cm-...
Flyer: Instrument service plans Brochure: Nicolet Apex FTIR Spectrometer Application note: FTIR in QA/QC laboratories and on manufacturing floors Technical note: LightDrive Optical Engine Application note: Thermoelectrically cool...