Origin绘制二维相关光谱2DCOS-FTIR图#origin##研究生##一起上岸吧# http://t.cn/A6mZYiig
内容提示: 第38卷,第10期 光谱学与光谱分析Vol.38,No.10,pp39-40201 8年1 0月 SpectroscopyandSpectralAnalysisOctober,2018 二乙胺四氯合铜相变的FTIR和2D-COS分析王楠楠 * ,谢东津,李 赟,程海峰国防科技大学新型陶瓷纤维及其复合材料国防重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410073摘 要 具有热致变色性能的化合物二乙胺...
2D‑COS analyses. The Amide I bands (1700 − 1600 cm–1) obtained from the analyses described in "Protein conformational structure". were used for the 2D correlation analysis. Before analysis, the peaks spectrums were normalized by multiplicative scatter correction. This step is ...
在二维相关光谱的三维图中,其 x、y坐标以波数表示,而z坐标是用 坐标轴和y坐标轴交叉处的相关强度值...
Thermal annealingStereochemistryThe effect of purification and annealing on the molecular structure of commercial poly (N-vinyl carbazole), PVK, has been probed by two-dimensional Fourier Transformation Infrared correlation spectroscopy, 2D-COS-FTIR. Subtle changes in the spectra of PVK were determined ...
此外, 应用2D-COS异谱相关(将两种不同类型的光谱整合成为一种光谱), 研究不同波段之间的相关性, 进而可以对扰动引起的结构变化给出互补关系[8]。 因此, 2D-COS被广泛应用到水环境有机质组成结构及迁移转化的研究中。 选取我国最大的农田退水湖泊— — 乌梁素海作为研究对象, 应用SFS, FTIR与2D-COS方法, ...
The effects of purification and annealing processes on the molecular structure of commercial high molecular weight poly (N-vinyl carbazole), PVK, were probed by two-dimensional Fourier Transformation Infrared correlation spectroscopy, 2D-COS-FTIR. The changes in band intensity were not big enough to ...
FTIR spectroscopy combined with DD-SIMCA and Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy(2DCoS)for judgement about walnut origins 在线阅读 下载PDF 引用 收藏 分享 摘要 【目的】建立一种基于傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)的简便、快速的核桃产地鉴别方法。【方法】使用KBr压片法采集4类不同产地(新疆、贵州、四川、...