SPEED26Recordthereceivedaudio51 LEVEL27Recordingthereceivedaudio51 PEAK27Playtherecordedcontent51 MARKER28Erasetherecordedcontent51 COLOR28AdjustableReceiverAudioFilter52 Adjustcontrast28Changethesoundqualityofthe Adjustingthebrightness(DIMMER)28receivedaudio53 Otherdisplaysettings29UsingtheAutomaticAntennaTuner54 ScreenS...
Touch Panel Display }、 MULTI Display Rx Operation StatusDisplay | l l \ The MULTI Display mode allows the oscilloscope and the AF-FFT audio scope to The receiver status display, shows the current receiver status and settings of the Size: 7-inch Wide BK-IN be shown on the screen, in ...
Yaesu FTDX-101D 双模式传感器接收器说明书 HF/50/144MHz ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER
1. AF-FFT (Audio Frequency Fast Fourier Transform) scope. This AF-FFT function was first demonstrated in the FT DX 9000 series. With this Scope, the audio characteristics of the received signals; the effect of adjusting the RX IF filter performance; and utilizing the QRM rejection features, ...
ImportantReceiverSettings22AdjusttheGAINoftheCONTOURCircuit46 ANT(SwitchingtheAntenna)22SetstheBandwidth(“Q”)of ATT(Attenuator)22theCONTOURCircuit46 IPO22VoiceCommunications(SSBandAM)50 R.FIL(RoofingFilterSwitching)23WhentransmittinginSSBorAMmode50
Operation Status Display Touch Panel Display The MULIIDisplay mode allows the oscilloscope and theAF-FFT audio scope to The receiver status display, shows the current Teceiver status and settings of the Size: 7-inch Wide be showmn on the screen, in addition to the RF Spectrum Scope display....