我用LM3S8962 EVALUATION BOARD板子连接电脑,需要这个驱动。但是官网好像下载不了了。www.ti.com.cn/.../lm_ftdi_driver
Universal Windows Drivers enable developers to create a single driver package that runs across multiple different device types, from embedded systems to tablets and desktop PCs. *** Windows 10 and Windows 11 only for ARM64 based Windows PCs. Also works on Mac M1/M2 running Parallels or VMWare...
Universal Windows Drivers enable developers to create a single driver package that runs across multiple different device types, from embedded systems to tablets and desktop PCs. *** Windows 10 and Windows 11 only for ARM64 based Windows PCs. Also works on Mac M1/M2 running Parallels or VMWare...
Universal Windows Drivers enable developers to create a single driver package that runs across multiple different device types, from embedded systems to tablets and desktop PCs. *** Windows 10 and Windows 11 only for ARM64 based Windows PCs. Also works on Mac M1/M2 running Parallels or VMWare...
Universal Windows Drivers enable developers to create a single driver package that runs across multiple different device types, from embedded systems to tablets and desktop PCs. *** Windows 10 and Windows 11 only for ARM64 based Windows PCs. Also works on Mac M1/M2 running Parallels or VMWare...
ARM - USB - TINY driver (Non-H version) 上传者:weixin_42659194时间:2022-09-20 FTDI USB转UART驱动 驱动供应商:FTDI 驱动日期:2016/06/16 驱动版本: 亲测可用,有需要的可以下载。 上传者:xzjlcyz时间:2018-05-25 USB转串口驱动,包含PL2303、CH340、FT232R等 ...
LIBMPSSE库(Windows/Linux/ARM) **LIBMPSSE支持Windows和Linux以及ARM处理器(32位和64位)** MPSSE目前在FT2232D、FT2232H、FT4232H和FT232H芯片上可用,它们通过USB接口与PC(或应用处理器)通信。 PC或嵌入式系统上的应用程序使用D2XX USB驱动程序与这些芯片中的MPSSE通信。 LibMPSSE-I2C库的创建是为了帮助使用FTDI...
Is this product compatible with windows11 on Arm running under Parallels 18 on a Mac? 1answer Atha ·2 years ago No, the ICUSB2321F is not supported on ARM based computers. Atha, StarTech.com Support Helpful? Lucky ·2 years ago ...
FTDI公司的FT2232系列芯片可实现USB与异步串行口RS232/RS485、同步串行总线IIC/SPI/JTAG相互通信,市场占有率,使用普遍。FTDI芯片有两种类型的驱动:virtual COM port driver (VCP)和D2xx。VCP就是常用的U转串COM驱动,实现USB到虚 linux ide github 串口
• Windows ME • Windows 98 • Linux • Mac OS X • Mac OS 9 • Mac OS 8 • Windows CE.NET (Version 4.2 and greater) [x86, ARM & FTDI Drivers Support OS 15 Development modules • Modules developed using the IC with a USB ...