2024年10月8日,AviadoBio和安斯泰来宣布就AVB-101达成一项独家选择权和许可协议。AVB-101是一种基于AAV的基因疗法,用于治疗GRN基因突变额颞叶痴呆(GRN-FTD)患者。 根据协议条款,安斯泰来公司将获得 AVB-101 在 FTD-GRN 和其他潜在适应症的全球独家开发和商业化许可。安斯泰来公司将为 AVB-101 的许可权提供2000...
AviadoBio近日宣布,它已经启动了其研究性基因疗法AVB-101的1/2期ASPIRE-FTD临床研究,旨在评估AVB-101在FTD GRN患者中的安全性和初步疗效,通过丘脑内给药,治疗患有前颗粒蛋白(GRN)基因突变的额颞叶痴呆(FTD)患者。作为一种破坏性的早发性痴呆症,目前没有缓解疾病的治疗方法。AviadoBio公司的首次临床试验启动也表明了...
近日,Denali Therapeutics公司宣布,其合作伙伴武田制药(Takeda)已根据2家公司之间的现有合作协议行使了选择权,共同开发和商业化DNL593(PTV:PGRN)。这是一种脑渗透颗粒体蛋白前体替代疗法,用于治疗携带颗粒体蛋白突变(GRN+)的额颞叶痴呆(FTD-GRN)。 2018年1月,Denali和武田签订了一份合作协议,根据该协议,武田获得了包...
已知颗粒体蛋白(GRN)基因突变或者微管相关蛋白 tau (MAPT) 基因突变与 FTLD 相关。明确 C9orf72 为第三个 FTLD 相关的主要基因之后,Van Langenhove 及其同事开始在每个基因的隐匿突变者队列中进行基因型 - 表型相关性研究,并设计修订分子诊断测试的指南。 在这三个基因中,只有 C9orf72 与 FTLD 和 ALS 均相关。
In contrast, untreated symptomatic FTD-GRN patients typically experience increasing NfL levels, underscoring the potential of PBFT02 in slowing disease progression. As of December 2024, Passage Bio is progressing to evaluate a 50 percent lower Dose 2 in additional cohorts of FTD-GRN and FTD-C9orf...
The three most common gene mutations that may lead to FTD areGRN,C9orf72, andMAPT. Currently 50,000-60,000 people affected FTD currently affects 50,000 to 60,000 people in the U.S. 40% have an affected relative About 40% of people living with FTD have a family history of a neurode...
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is one of the most important neurodegenerative conditions and Granulin (GRN) is one of the major genes associated to the disease. FTD-GRN patients are still orphan for any evidence-based target-therapy approach. Interestingly, it has been recently found that ...
One single-nucleus RNA sequence study targeting the brain cortex of 13 FTD-GRN patients showed severe neurovascular dysfunction and perturbed blood–brain barrier (BBB), posing interest in the vascular function of FTD [1]. White matter hyperintensity (WMH) can reflect neurovascular damage in vivo ...
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis overlapping with frontotemporal dementia (ALS/FTD) is a fatal and currently untreatable disease characterized by rapid cognitive decline and paralysis. Elucidating initial cellular pathologies is central to therapeutic targe