The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on September 25, 2024 announced Operation AI Comply, targeting what the agency has characterized as the use of artificial intelligence (AI)“to supercharge deceptive or unfair conduct that harms consumers.”This initiative represents the latest in a seri...
据报道,美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)主席Andrew Ferguson表示,该机构正为下月一场旨在要求Meta分拆Instagram与WhatsApp的审判做准备。为期八周的审判预计将于4月14日开始。Ferguson称,FTC仍拥有充足资源来监管资金雄厚的科技行业。
此软件是一个由FIRST Tech Challenge爱好者编写的用于帮助队伍设计机器人、模拟比赛和管理队伍的软件。本软件完全由四川省成都市石室中学FTC队伍UST制作。
New Filing Fee Amounts The FTC also announced new filing fee amounts, which are now as follows: FTC Revises Clayton Act Section 8 Thresholds for Interlocking Directorates The FTC also revised the thresholds for interlocking directorates under Section 8 of t...
On January 16, 2025, the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") issued joint Antitrust Guidelines for Business Activities Affecting Workers. The new guidelines, intended to replace the 2016 Antitrust Guidance for Human Res
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC or Commission) recently issued a final rule (the Junk Fees Rule or the Rule) banning so-called “junk fees” in two key industries: short-term lodging and live events. The Rule addresses whether “drip pricing” in those
The FTC’sFinal Effective Date Noticestated three reasons behind the decision: (1) reported shortage of “qualified personnel to implement information security programs”; (2) supply chain issues in obtaining necessary security equipment; and (3) effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The FTC explained...
FTC 先锋追踪器 FTC 正在改变太阳能追踪领域。 随着光伏市场向 550 和 700 瓦以上的越来越大的模块尺寸发展,在具有适度地理挑战的强风地区,对能够轻松接受超大幅面模块 (ULFM) 的跟踪器架构的需求高达 70-80%全球市场。 为了应对客户的产品组合挑战,我们开发了 1P 产品,这将使我们能够提供最佳解决方案并在这一...
The FTC is seeking comments regarding the efficiency, costs, benefits, and regulatory impact of its Green Guides.