舵机是常用的一种小型电机,通常用于抓取物品。更多细节可以参考 RobotAutoDriveByGyro_Linear.java package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.Servo;@TeleOp(name="C...
The OnBot Java Development Tool provides a Java programming environment that does NOT need Android Studio. Changes with version 3.2 include: Enhanced web-based development tools Introduction of OnBot Java Development Tool. Web-based programming and management features are "always on" (user no longer...
To learn how to use the new IMU interface, see https://ftc-docs.firstinspires.org/programming_resources/imu/imu.html. The SensorIMU Blocks sample was also updated to use the new IMU interface, and the following Java samples were added: SensorIMUOrthogonal Use this sample if your REV Hub...
Adds Blocks to support comparing property values CRServo.Direction, DCMotor.Direction, DCMotor.Mode, DCMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior, DigitalChannel.Mode, GyroSensor.HeadingMode, IrSeekerSensor.Mode, and Servo.Direction, to the corresponding enum Block. Improves OnBotJava auto-import to correctly import cl...
Reworded OnBot Java readme slightly. Version 3.3 (built on 17.09.04) This version of the software includes improves for the FTC Blocks Programming Tool and the OnBot Java Programming Tool. Changes with verion 3.3 include: Android Studio ftc_app project has been updated to use Gradle Plugin ...
To learn how to use the newIMUinterface, seehttps://ftc-docs.firstinspires.org/programming_resources/imu/imu.html. TheSensorIMUBlocks sample was also updated to use the newIMUinterface, and the following Java samples were added: SensorIMUOrthogonal ...
This version of the software includes improves for the FTC Blocks Programming Tool and the OnBot Java Programming Tool. Changes with verion 3.3 include: Android Studio ftc_app project has been updated to use Gradle Plugin 2.3.3. Android Studio ftc_app project is already using gradle 3.5 distrib...
Added MatrixControllerDemo.java (demonstrates how to use legacy Matrix controller). Updated javadoc documentation. Updated release .apk files for Robot Controller and Driver Station apps. Added support for Legacy Matrix 9.6V motor/servo controller. ...
This version of the software includes improves for the FTC Blocks Programming Tool and the OnBot Java Programming Tool. Changes with verion 3.3 include: Android Studio ftc_app project has been updated to use Gradle Plugin 2.3.3. Android Studio ftc_app project is already using gradle 3.5 distrib...
Updating the Servo Hub's firmware and changing its address can only be done using the REV Hardware Client at this time Adds support for the REV 9-Axis IMU (REV-31-3332) The REV 9-Axis IMU is only supported by the Universal IMU interface Adds Rev9AxisImuOrientationOnRobot Java class. ...