chunk.unclaim(sourceStack, false); chunksToUnclaim.computeIfAbsent(chunk.pos.dimension, s -> new ArrayList<>()).add(new SendChunkPacket.SingleChunk(now, chunk.pos.x, chunk.pos.z, null)); } for (Map.Entry<ResourceKey<Level>, List<SendChunkPacket.SingleChunk>> entry : chunksToUnclaim.ent...
Over time, this causes small areas of the map to become perma-chunkloaded and causes issues. Server: TNP Limitless 5 MC Version: 1.18.2 jeremiahwinsley commented Sep 13, 2022 We noticed on our servers that clearing the Forge chunks.dat seems to resolve the problem, at least temporarily....
At极速漏斗 (Speedy Hoppers)[JER]Just Enough Resources[资源]足够的资源[CA]区块加载动画 (Chunk ...
me.steinborn.krypton.mixin.client.fastchunkentityaccess.ClientWorldMixin (krypton.mixins.json) snownee.jade.mixin.ClientLevelMixin (jade.mixins.json) journeymap.common.mixin.client.ClientLevelMixin (journeymap.mixins.json) me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.mixin.features.chunk_rendering.MixinClientWorld (sodium...
Type: Client (map_client.txt) Graphics mode: fancy Resource Packs: Current Language: English (US) CPU: 20x 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700F Describe the bug game crashes while loading world Steps to reproduce built a second well of suffering ...
Fixed player head icons in the previous dimension not disappearing from the map or minimap when you change dimension Only players on long-range tracking (i.e. outside normal vanilla entity tracking range) Fixed chunkloading issue on Forge where some forceloaded tickets weren't being cleared ...
Failed to render chunk - multiples. Started happening today. Installed the Immersive FX mod, turned out it crashes clients, uninstalled it. Modpack with over 120 mods. Latest version of FTB Backups [21:00:02] [FTB Backups backup thread 0...
forgeChunkLoading.cfg gascraft.cfg gases.cfg gasesFramework.cfg gendustry.cfg journeymap_ModInfo.cfg magicalcrops.cfg meteors.cfg microblocks.cfg modstats.cfg multipart.cfg pamharvestcraft.cfg roguelike.cfg standardcrops.cfg switches.cfg totemic.cfg touhou_alice_core.cfg touhou_alic...
Type: Client (map_client.txt) Graphics mode: fancy Resource Packs: Current Language: English (US) CPU: 20x 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700F Describe the bug game loading gets to 100% then crashes and closes Steps to reproduce ...