Chunks marked as force loaded by players will not unload. This has been a consistent issue since the packs were released and I've had to unload players' chunks manually every so often. I think the issue is they fail to unload for some reason. This is very bad as lag will pile up on...
{ member: { name: "Member" power: 1 condition: "always_active" false false false } vip: { name: "VIP" power: 50 ftbranks.name_format: "&bVIP {name}" ftbchunks.max_force_loaded: 50 ftb...
That's not to "force" people to use FTP Utilities, it's to prevent the inconsiderate players on a server from leaving everything loaded and running when they log off, contributing to the server's inevitable lag-death. If you are playing a solo game it doesn't matter since the server...
Mod FTB Chunks Mod version ftb-chunks-neoforge-2101.1.0.jar Forge / Fabric version Neoforge Version 21.1.31 Modpack & version ATM 10 - 0.41 What issue are you having? Players can unload forceloaded chunks from other teams! --> Crashlogs No response Steps ...
Modpack FTB Skies Modpack version 1.0.0 Log Files No response Describe the bug trying to launch the new FTB skies mod pack and it gets to the point of opening the window but is blank whit and just sits on not responding, in the launcher ...