Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption (FTA-ABS) Test for Syphilis Wilbur E. Deacon, PhD; James B. Lucas, MD; Eleanor V. Price Author Affiliations JAMA. 1966;198(6):624-628. doi:10.1001/jama.1966.03110190106026 Full Text Abstract The development of the fluorescent treponemal antibody-abso...
A negativeFTA-ABS testresult is consistent with a person not having syphilis. However, a person may have a negative FTA-ABS test result while in the early (primary) and late (tertiary) stages of the disease. In the middle (secondary) stage of syphilis, the FTA-ABS test is most reliable...
Harner RE, Smith JL, Israel CW: The FTA-ABS test in late syphilis. JAMA 203:545-548, 1968Harner RE, Smith JL, Israel CW. The FTA-ABS test in late syphilis. JAMA 1968;203:545-8.Harner RE, Smith JL, Israel CW. The FTA-ABS test in late syphilis. A serological study in 1,985 ...
involving computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an electrocardiogram (EKG), urinalysis, renal ultrasound, complete blood count, chemistries, a thyroid-stimulating hormone test, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate, a TORCH profile, and an FTA-ABS test for syphilis, among others...
The FTA-200 test is a useful tool in the serodiagnosis of syphilis, although it cannot entirely replace the TPI test. Preliminary results with the FTA-ABS procedure are promising and indicate a need for additional evaluation. 展开 关键词: Humans Fluorescent Antibody Technique Syphilis Serodiagnosis...
An evaluation of the FTA-ABS test for syphilis. Seven cases are presented of late ocular and neurosyphilis in which both serum VDRL and TPI tests were nonreactive but in which serologic diagnosis was confirmed by reactive FTA-ABS tests. The clinical usefulness of the FTA-ABS test is e......
The FTA-ABS test does not distinguish between syphilis and other treponematoses such as yaws, pinta and bejil. Test Resources None found for this test Please visit our Clinical Education Center to stay informed on any future publications, webinars, or other education opportunities. Test Details...
1.Exploration of the posibility of the detection in blood syphilis by TP ELISA梅毒螺旋体酶联免疫吸附试验对梅毒筛检的可行性探讨 2.Treponema pallidum immobilization test【免疫】梅毒螺旋体制动试验 3.Appraisal of RPR and TP-ELISA for Detecting Syphilis in Blood Donors快速血浆反应素试验及酶联免疫吸附...
syphilis. This IS generally supported by negative results in the FTA-ABS test21B22 Confhatory tests utlling treponemal antigens are rewmmendel when the etioiogic agent is not observed and only a serolcglc diagnosis is possible. The FTA-ABS test should be used as a confirmatory procedure ...
Tests for detecting syphilis remain important, particularly in testing for blood donors and before invasive procedures or surgery, but there is no single definitive test for diagnosing syphilis. Therefore, serologic tests are still commonly used as standard methods. Recently, the US Centers for ...