資料來源:WTO秘書處資料:http://www.wto.org/english/tratop 5、_e/region_e/region_e.htm accessed on 2006/11/13. 目前為RTA所涵蓋的貿易量估計已達全球貿易的半數,而其重要性也在2006年七月杜哈談判回合重挫之後更顯得突出,WTO 149個成員只剩下蒙古尚未簽有任何此類協定。 但也已分別跟中國、日本與...
資料來源:WTO秘書處資料:/english/tratop_e/region_e/region_e.htm accessed on 2006/11/13. 但也已分別跟中國、日本與韓國等國尋求洽簽FTA或其他優惠貿易協定,見Bonapace and Mikic (2005)。 胎死腹中的ITO(International Trade Organization)其實已準備把投資列入,但繼之而起的GATT則沒有。見於”Trade and...
opened the meeting and welcome participants to Charlotte for the 2 nd State DOT programs meeting with the Region IV State Programs Team. Dr. Yvette Taylor also provided opening remarks and then gave brief overview of organizational changes with the Region IV office. Dr. Taylor announced that the...
It refers to the planning, organization, implementation and control of the complete processes of operations [36]. Operations management can also refer to the design, implementation, monitoring and assessment of changes to the systems that generate and provide a company’s products or services. The ...