In packaging a traditional application, it sets up file type association verbs for a number of file types, including png and ttf. The manifest validates and package creates just fine. When you... Bumping the request for the list of restricted FTA types as...
If we can verify that you are the account owner, you will receive a link to reset your password. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for us 我们将回顾您使用窗口活帐户补救形式递交的答复。 您将接受电子邮件到这封电子邮件关于您的请求的结果。 如果我们可以核实您是帐户所有者,您将接受...
1) 摘机并按下“***”键启动IVR ; 6 2) 选择“6 ”,FTA5101/FTA5102 会播报“Factory reset ”; 3) 在听到FTA5101/FTA5102 的提示音“Please enter password ”后请用户输入密码,输入密码的方式和操作1 相同; ◆用户如需中途退出设置,请按下“**”键。 4) 如果用户输入的密码正确,FTA5101/FTA5102 ...