Does MSIX support multiple FTA? Example, if my application derives FTA for 2 file types via 2 different executable (.exe), does this work with MSIX? I believe it does not support FTA for apps that derives it from a .dll file instead of .exe file. If I have 2 or more apps that de...
If we can verify that you are the account owner, you will receive a link to reset your password. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for us 我们将回顾您使用窗口活帐户补救形式递交的答复。 您将接受电子邮件到这封电子邮件关于您的请求的结果。 如果我们可以核实您是帐户所有者,您将接受...
1) 摘机并按下“***”键启动IVR ; 6 2) 选择“6 ”,FTA5101/FTA5102 会播报“Factory reset ”; 3) 在听到FTA5101/FTA5102 的提示音“Please enter password ”后请用户输入密码,输入密码的方式和操作1 相同; ◆用户如需中途退出设置,请按下“**”键。 4) 如果用户输入的密码正确,FTA5101/FTA5102 ...
[23] Common Control [24] Monitor setup 5 A3 Auto Tuning A4 Fault Record [0] Drive Calibration [1] Motor Tuning [2] Speed Tuning A5 Initialize A6 Password [0] Clear Fault List [1] System Reset [2] Parameter [0] Level [1] Admission [2] Password Change 图 5-1 变频器主菜单结构 5...
3) The equivalent of the App-V Connection group has been discussed as a possible (likely?) future for MSIX. Of course it has to have a different name when it comes out. There is a also a different concept called the Modification package. A modification package depends on a primary packag...
[23] Common Control [24] Monitor setup 5 A3 Auto Tuning A4 Fault Record [0] Drive Calibration [1] Motor Tuning [2] Speed Tuning A5 Initialize A6 Password [0] Clear Fault List [1] System Reset [2] Parameter [0] Level [1] Admission [2] Password Change 图 5-1 变频器主菜单结构 5...
3) The equivalent of the App-V Connection group has been discussed as a possible (likely?) future for MSIX. Of course it has to have a different name when it comes out. There is a also a different concept called the Modification package. A modification package depends on a primary packag...
3) The equivalent of the App-V Connection group has been discussed as a possible (likely?) future for MSIX. Of course it has to have a different name when it comes out. There is a also a different concept called the Modification package. A modification package depends on a primary packa...