必应词典为您提供fta-abstest的释义,网络释义: 螺旋抗体吸收试验;螺旋体抗体吸附试验;螺旋体吸收试验;
To the Editor.—We believe that the data presented by Burns in his report on the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test (234:617, 1975)
Therefore, a positive syphilis IgG or FTA-Abs test (both treponemal tests) is not conclusive of active syphilis infection; the RPR (non-treponemal test) on the infant must be positive as well.(3) The tests performed on the infant should be the same as those performed on the mother to en...
FTA-ABS detects the majority but not all cases of the disease. It is thus a way of screening for the disease. A negativeFTA-ABS testresult is consistent with a person not having syphilis. However, a person may have a negative FTA-ABS test result while in the early (primary) and late ...
FTA-ABS - The FTA-ABS is a specific treponemal assay to detect antibody to T. pallidum. The FTA-ABS becomes reactive 4-6 weeks after infection. Unlike the nontreponemal tests, once the FTA-ABS test becomes reactive, it will remain reactive for many years
Burns in his report on the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test (234:617, 1975) do not support his conclusions.First, Burns' use of the FTA-ABS test to screen healthy persons for syphilis was an improper application of the test and may have led to meaningless ...
网络荧光螺旋体抗体吸收试验 网络释义 1. 荧光螺旋体抗体吸收试验 ...T)和确诊试验梅毒螺旋体颗粒凝集实验(TPPA)、荧光螺旋体抗体吸收试验(FTA.ABS),但这些都不能区分新生儿血清 … journal.9med.net|基于 1 个网页 例句
The fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test has gained wide acceptance as the standard by which the diagnosis of syphilis is confirmed and false-positive reactions to reagin tests for syphilis are defined. A probable false-positive reaction to the FTA-ABS test was observed in a...
Seven cases are presented of late ocular and neurosyphilis in which both serum VDRL and TPI tests were nonreactive but in which serologic diagnosis was confirmed by reactive FTA-ABS tests. The clinical usefulness of the FTA-ABS test is evident....