The YAESU FTA-550 is packed with features, yet very affordable. With an oversize full dot matrix LCD display, the FTA-550 Airband Transceiver provides full communication on the Aircraft communications Band and additionally provides VOR and localizer navigation features on the "NAV" band. The FTA...
theradio. PS/CIM BatteryPack A T ALatch D T XCH EDPUS 12 FTA-750/FTA-550OperATingMAnuAl BeForeyouBegIn BatteryChargingsideofthetransceiverdirectly.Inthiscase,the ItisnecessarytochargetheLithium-ionbatteryfully“”iconwillappearinthetoprightcorner beforeitsfirstuse.Followtheprocedurebelow:oftheLCDdisplay...
Smart 8-Port Switch; Each port is 10/100BASE-TX Copper RJ45; Includes two RJ45 Uplink ports and two slots for CE6050-series Transceiver Modules; Australian Power Cord (RM100-24TX) / 智能8口交换机 ATV61HC22N4 SSR10 2TLA010050R0000 ...
Smart 8-Port Switch; Each port is 10/100BASE-TX Copper RJ45; Includes two RJ45 Uplink ports and two slots for CE6050-series Transceiver Modules; Australian Power Cord (RM100-24TX) / 智能8口交换机 ATV61HC22N4 SSR10 2TLA010050R0000 BSR10 2TLA010040R0000 USR10 2TLA010070R0000 USR...