Modern living has made it much harder to have those big antenna farms, and today’s ham is more likely talking on VHF or UHF frequencies with very limited range under normal circumstances. Sure, you can use a repeater or bounce your signal from a satellite or the moon, but normal direct...
on 20 and 30 meters (14 and 10 MHz) depending on the propagation, which for the moment only allows traffic in FT8 with MSHV and CW. Any further apparitions of FT8WW on other modes or bands, at this time, are the product of pirate “ham radios” and should be ignored. ...
it is ever more popular for design packages to be web-based rather than use a stand alone application. Having not used DipTrace in some time I was a little rusty so looked around on-line and found a web-based design tool called EasyEDA. I found this tool excellent, ...