Re: FT4232H可用的Xilinx FPGA JTAG调试器EEPROM分享 正好最近做了个底板也用了这颗FT4232H,手上有个KV260的底板。发现如果只是用FT_PROG工具把KV260的底板template保存并写到自己板上的EEPROM里面是不能被Vivado识别的。比对了一下EEPROM里面原始数据,KV260底板里面的0x0D~0x17有内容,而FT_PROG是不会碰这个区...
For example, it is possible to use one of the FT4232HA's channels (e.g. channel A) to connect to an SRAM configurable FPGA such as supplied by Altera or Xilinx. The FPGA device would normally be un-configured (i.e. have no defined function) at power-up. Application software on ...
if uyour after source code, then I'd strongly suggest that you talk to your FAE at the Xilinx autherised distributor you purchase throuh, thye will be very onterested in helping you. In general, these are the open public forums, your FAE can enter NDA / confidential discusions ...