• Operational mode configuration and USB Description strings configurable in external EEPROM over the USB interface. • Configurable I/O drives strength (4, 8, 12 or 16mA) and slew rate. • Low operating and USB suspend current.
芯片手册ft232hl未来科技.pdf,Future Technology Devices International FT232H Single Channel Hi- Speed USB to Multipurpose UART/FIFO IC The FT232H is a single channel USB 2.0 Hi- Option for transmit and receive LED drive Speed (480Mb/s) to UART/FIFO IC. It
为节省成本,芯片整合了EEPROM,上复位电路,集成了电源去耦RC电路,并且能自行产生时钟,无需外挂晶振钟振。 另新推出FT2232,FT4232可以配成MPSSE,实现I2C、JTAG及SPI转到USB。新产品VNC2支持USB HOST ,可实现HOST到HOST桥接,它能够自动辩识FAT文件格式,支持4线串行UART、4线串行SPI和12线并行FIFO接口来和Vinculum沟通。
FT232HL-REEL这款高速单通道桥接芯片以USB高速(每秒480兆位)速率运行,具有灵活的串行接口或并行FIFO接口, 数据传输速率高达每秒40兆字节。使用串行EEPROM接口,该设备可以被配置成为各种异步和同步串行标准, 例如JTAG、SPI、I2C和UART以及同步和异步并行FIFO接口。此外,该设备具有新的同步、半双工FT1248总线,FT232HL-REE...
This timing can be modified through a programmable setting stored in the same external EEPROM that is used for the USB descriptors. Timing can also be changed by adding appropriate passive components to the USB signals. 1.4 Applicable Documents The following application and technical documents can ...
Operating at USB Hi-Speed 480Mbps rate, this fast single channel bridge chip features either a flexible serial interface or parallel FIFO interface, with data transfer speeds up to 40Mbytes/s. Using a serial EEPROM interface, this device can be configured for a wide variety of asynchronous and...
• Operational mode configuration and USB Description strings configurable in external EEPROM over the USB interface.• Configurable I/O drives strength (4, 8, 12 or 16mA) and slew rate.• Low operating and USB suspend current.• Supports self powered, bus powered and high power bus ...
USB 接口上的 EEPROM。 可配置的 I/O 驱动器强度(4、8、12 或 16mA) 和压摆率。 低运行和 USB 挂起电流。 支持自供电、总线供电和高功率总线供电的 USB 配置。 UHCI/OHCI/EHCI 主机控制器兼容。 USB 批量数据传输模式(512 字节数据包 ...
M95320-DRMN3TP/K EEPROM电可擦除只读存储器 ST/意法半导体 封装SOP8 批次21+ ¥4.00 查看详情 ADUM1200ARZ 封装SOP8 数字信号隔离模块 ADI/亚德诺 ¥0.80 本店由淘IC(深圳)运营支持 获取底价 深圳市庆隆伟业科技有限公司 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 获取底价 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 品牌 FIDI...