with data transfer speeds up to 40Mbytes/s. Using a serial EEPROM interface, this device can be configured for a wide variety of asynchronous and synchronous serial standards, such as JTAG, SPI, I2C and UART as well as synchronous
with data transfer speeds up to 40Mbytes/s. Using a serial EEPROM interface, this device can be configured for a wide variety of asynchronous and synchronous serial standards, such as JTAG, SPI, I2C and UART as well as synchronous
它是FTDI生产的多功能USB转串行/FIFO IC(集成电路),提供各种接口,包括UART、SPI、I2C和JTAG,非常适合工厂测试和编程应用。 开发人员经常将FTx232H用于JTAG,因为它具有灵活性、可靠性和易于与各种开发平台集成的特点。它可以使用FTDI D2XX(直接Windows API)驱动程序进行编程。还可以使用PyFtdi(Python)等第三方库,使其...
它是FTDI生产的多功能USB转串行/FIFO IC(集成电路),提供各种接口,包括UART、SPI、I2C和JTAG,非常适合工厂测试和编程应用。 开发人员经常将FTx232H用于JTAG,因为它具有灵活性、可靠性和易于与各种开发平台集成的特点。它可以使用FTDI D2XX(直接Windows API)驱动程序进行编程。还可以使用PyFtdi(Python)等第三方库,使其...
Using a serial EEPROM interface, this device can be configured for a wide variety of asynchronous and synchronous serial standards, such as JTAG, SPI, I2C and UART as well as synchronous and asynchronous parallel FIFO interfaces. In addition, this device features the new synchronous, half-duplex...
Operating at USB Hi-Speed 480Mbps rate, this fast single channel bridge chip features either a flexible serial interface or parallel FIFO interface, with data transfer speeds up to 40Mbytes/s. Using a serial EEPROM interface, this device can be configured for a wide variety of asynchronous and...
EEPROM_Interface:该模块是FT232H的配置接口,外部的EEPROM设备可以通过该接口配置FT232H不同的工作模式。 UTMI_PHY:全称USB2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interface,该模块为USB2.0 传输MAC层接口,主要负责处理解析物理底层的USB协议及信号。 USB_Protocol Engine And FIFO Control:该模块于UTMI_PHY交互,进一步解析处理USB2.0...
FT232H USB2.0高速(480Mb/s)转UART/FIFO是FTDI的第6代IC。它可以配置为各种行业标准的串行或并行接口,例如UART、FIFO、JTAG、SPI(MASTER)或I2C模式。除此之外,FT232H还引入了FT1248接口,并支持CPU-Style FIFO模式、bit-bang和快速串行接口模式。 特征: ...
为节省成本,芯片整合了EEPROM,上复位电路,集成了电源去耦RC电路,并且能自行产生时钟,无需外挂晶振钟振。 另新推出FT2232,FT4232可以配成MPSSE,实现I2C、JTAG及SPI转到USB。新产品VNC2支持USB HOST ,可实现HOST到HOST桥接,它能够自动辩识FAT文件格式,支持4线串行UART、4线串行SPI和12线并行FIFO接口来和Vinculum沟通。