Byfollowing the detailed instructionsin the manual, a user is capable ofadding certain features (such asspecific memory recall) to the basicoperation of the radio simply at thepress of a button.One last available feature,which I did not have theability to test (optional soft-ware and a ...
Manual and Auto AGC TheYaesu FT-1000MP Mark-Vrepresents the crowning achievement in Yaesu's HF transceiver design history. A unique blend of analog and digital technology, the Mark-V is based on the concept of rigorous filtering in all stages of the receiver and transceiver. A high speedante...
" t-cAr Transmit Carrier see table 2 in user manual " " " " rtty-SFt RTTY Offset + or - 5.000 kHz 0.000 kHz " EASY-Set Easy Set OFF / SSTV / FAX OFF 8 - 7 Sub-A9c Sub RX AGC AUTO / SLOW / FAST AUTO 8 - 8 tunEr Tuner ON / OFF ON ...
TheYaesu FT-1000MP Mark Vcovers 160-10M and has a dual digital display, S-Meter and keypad entry. This radio features audio DSP. Thecabinetis in good shape. Therear panelhas a huge heatsink. With FP-29 PS with cable, originalOwner's Manual, MH31 hand mic and FP29 AC cord. S/N...
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