• Download the FT newspaper to read offline, anytime and anywhere • Set up alers to stay ahead of the day's news • Translate articles into 30+ languages for global accesibility • Choose from three different reading modes: headline view, article view or replica view ...
uint8_t SPI_ReadCmd(void)//0xfc read cmd;0xfe read data;{ unsignedcharhigh4bit =0, low4bit =0, val =0; SPI_Start(); SPI_Write(0xFC); high4bit=SPI_Read(); low4bit=SPI_Read(); SPI_Stop(); val= (high4bit+(low4bit >>4));returnval; } uint8_t SPI_ReadData(void) {...
图3 UART-Lite外设配置页面 点击图3右上角的pdf小图标便可查看此外设的说明文档axi_uartlite_ds741.pdf。如图4所示,UART-Lite的功能框图中示意改外设包含了4个最基本的软件可访问的寄存器,即数据接收寄存器(Receive Data FIFO)、数据发送寄存器(Transmit Data FIFO)、状态寄存器(Status Register)和控制寄存器(Control...
(IRQ_WAKE_THREAD); //使用中断下文处理 } static int ft5x06_read_reg(u8 reg_addr) //I2C读操作 { u8 data; struct i2c_msg msgs[] = { [0] = { .addr = ft5x06_client->addr, //从机地址 0x38 .flags = 0, //写操作 .len = sizeof(reg_addr), //数据大小 .buf = ®_addr,...
Michael Ord, Independent Non-Executive Director Inken Braunschmidt, Independent Non-Executive Director Warren Tucker, Chairman Contact TT Electronics plc: Fourth Floor St Andrews House West Street Woking Surrey GU21 6EB T:+44(0) 1932 825300 ...
f = open('test.txt') #打开文件 first_line = f.readline() #读取一行 print(first_line) print('我是分割线'.center(50,'-')) data = f.read() #读取剩余的所有内容,文件大时不要用;read()方法可以指定读取多少个字符; print(data) f.close() #关闭文件 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. replac...
• Download the FT newspaper to read offline, anytime and anywhere • Set up alers to stay ahead of the day's news • Translate articles into 30+ languages for global accesibility • Choose from three different reading modes: headline view, article view or replica view ...
This is useful if you do not invoke myisam_ftdump in the database directory: shell> myisam_ftdump /usr/local/mysql/data/test/mytexttable 1 MySQL 5.5 Last change: 03/22/2013 1 MySQL Database System MYISAM_FTDUMP(1) You can use myisam_ftdump to generate a list of index entries in...
vdb /var/run/kubevirt-ephemeral-disks/cloud-init-data/user1/fedora-1/noCloud.iso sh-5.1$ virsh domiflist 1 Authorization not available. Check if polkit service is running or see debug message for more information. Interface Type Source Model MAC ...
//read or write flag assign rd_data = data_rd_valid ? DATA_io : 32'd0;//read data dir assign DATA_io = data_wr_valid ? wr_data : 32'bz;// write data dir assign BE_RD = data_rd_valid ? BE_io : 4'd0; //read data dir ...