1.echo ac_cv_lib_freetype_FT_Library_Version=yes>arm-linux.cache2../configure --cache-file=arm-linux.cache 类似的,将版本检测结果写入arm-linux-cache,再执行configure指令,进行交叉编译,搞定。 9101213 2324
1.echo ac_cv_lib_freetype_FT_Library_Version=yes>arm-linux.cache2../configure --cache-file=arm-linux.cache 类似的,将版本检测结果写入arm-linux-cache,再执行configure指令,进行交叉编译,搞定。 1014 1617
FTDI D2XX - Linux X64 - library version 1.4.27 (https://ftdichip.com/drivers/d2xx-drivers/) USBIPD - 3.0.0+361.Branch.master.Sha.89d4b327c99a4eecc9b583e1843a428aae3c9270 Repro Steps Not sure if it's a bug or a missing feature. I try to use FTDI library within WSL2. I use...
Announcement: XFT Library 1.2.14 (IVF 9.0 supported) Subscribe More actions Jugoslav_Dujic Valued Contributor II 01-20-2004 02:29 PM 1,020 Views You're welcome to try and test my XFT Library (Release Candidate 1), used for creating Win32 GUI applications in Compaq Visu...
Announcement: XFT Library 1.2.14 (IVF 9.0 supported) Subscribe More actions Jugoslav_Dujic Valued Contributor II 01-20-2004 02:29 PM 1,020 Views You're welcome to try and test my XFT Library (Release Candidate 1), used for creating Win32 GUI applications in Compaq Visu...
The second version of the FreeType library generalizes the rasterizer internals to provide support for many more formats--Type-1, OpenType and CID outline formats are now supported along with the current standard X ``Portable Compiled Format'' used for bitmap fonts. ...
(freetype_library, "truetype", "interpreter-version", &interpreter_version); #endif //enable stem darkening feature introduced in 2.6.2 FT_Bool no_stem_darkening = FALSE; FT_Property_Set(freetype_library, "cff", "no-stem-darkening", &no_stem_darkening); const CGdippSettings* pSettings =...
Library customised Vacuum Cup for 3 Challenges completers Your favorite books prized within 200RMB for 5 Challenges completers Please feel free to join the group chat for any inquiries about this challenge *If the QR Code is expir...
1.初始化库FT_Library library;FT_Faceface;FT_Error error =FT_Init_FreeType( &library );2. 加载相应的字体文件FT_New_Face( library, "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf", 0, &face);3. 设置字体的大小... FreeType 转载 mb60f52fc83c1a2 ...
Ever got frustrated with a “Workout Library” when you can’t find your move? With Liiift, you build your move with the keyboard: just type in what move you wanna do, and it’s saved to your personal Move Library. ◎ Track your sets in the gym ...