1.echo ac_cv_lib_freetype_FT_Library_Version=yes>arm-linux.cache2../configure --cache-file=arm-linux.cache 类似的,将版本检测结果写入arm-linux-cache,再执行configure指令,进行交叉编译,搞定。 1014 1617
1.echo ac_cv_lib_freetype_FT_Library_Version=yes>arm-linux.cache2../configure --cache-file=arm-linux.cache 类似的,将版本检测结果写入arm-linux-cache,再执行configure指令,进行交叉编译,搞定。 6
FTDI D2XX - Linux X64 - library version 1.4.27 (https://ftdichip.com/drivers/d2xx-drivers/) USBIPD - 3.0.0+361.Branch.master.Sha.89d4b327c99a4eecc9b583e1843a428aae3c9270 Repro Steps Not sure if it's a bug or a missing feature. I try to use FTDI library within WSL2. I use...
library.properties Update library.properties - bump to version 1.1.0 Oct 21, 2023 Repository files navigation README Adafruit_FT6206 Library This is a library for the Adafruit FT6206-Based capacitive touch screens and displays: https://www.adafruit.com/products/1947 ...
Shell Library Command Line Sample (Windows) Windows Shell (Windows) Extensions (Windows) D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY enumeration (Windows) Operator[] function (Windows) IMpeg2PsiParser::GetRecordElementaryPid method (Windows) MIBEntryGetFirst callback function (Windows) RASMONITORDLG structure (Windows) ...
SQLite是一个实现嵌入式SQL数据库引擎小型C语言库(C library),实现了独立的,可嵌入的,零配置的SQL...
2.259 Class siteLink 2.260 Class siteLinkBridge 2.261 Class sitesContainer 2.262 Class storage 2.263 Class subnet 2.264 Class subnetContainer 2.265 Class subSchema 2.266 Class top 2.267 Class trustedDomain 2.268 Class typeLibrary 2.269 Class user 2.270 Class volume 3 Change Tracking 4 Index 下載PDF Lear...
特性功能类库-社会化分享-联合登陆组件(可选) compile 'com.zftlive.android.library:sharesdk:1.0.1' // 特性功能类库-腾讯信鸽/MTA/bugly错误收集(可选) compile 'com.zftlive.android.library:tencent:1.0.1' // 特性功能类库-zxing二维码/条形码扫描识别(可选) compile 'com.zftlive.android.library:...
ipft - 室内定位基于指纹技术的工具包说明书 Package‘ipft’October13,2022 Type Package Title Indoor Positioning Fingerprinting Toolset Depends R(>=2.10)Version0.7.2 Maintainer Emilio Sansano<***> Description Algorithms and utility functions for indoor positioning usingfingerprinting techniques.These ...