Hello! May I please convert this to FS2020 using the legacy converter? ZoastraMon, 18 Feb 2019 21:53:36 GMT No exterior (either variation), no cockpit (2D cockpit is static/not working), FSX Steam. #epicfail BrodySat, 15 Jul 2017 00:52:16 GMT ...
FSDG - 法国-留尼汪岛 FSX P3D3-5 AEROSOFT GMBH P3D5 € 24.00 $ £ ¥ FLIGHTSIM TOOLS - ADDON CONVERTER X FLIGHTSIMTOOLS € 17.95 $ £ ¥ REALTRIM 真实配平 专业版 FSX CSD € 15.00 $ £ ¥ 安装我们的桌面应用程序 直接在应用程序中安装 现在下载 反...
The Mach indicator in the Airspeed dial doesn’t seem to work. For example when I am at fl360 going 1200 kmh the Mach ready should read approximately (based on conversion charts and speed converter applications taking pressure, temp etc in to consideration) Mach 1.6 but is actually blank at...