费瑞斯州立大学(Ferris State University),简称:FSU或Ferris State,也译成费里斯州立大学,是一所坐落于美国密歇根州大急流市(Big Rapids)的公立大学。FSU拥有包括主校区在内19个校区,下设八大学院,以及近180个专业学位项目,旨在为其学生提供职业成功的培训、公民责任意识的培养和终身学习的习惯。学校历史 18...
Rassweiler, working with Associate Professor of Biological Science Sarah Lester and FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Assistant Professor Olugbenga Anubi, is developing a small, remote-controlled boat that could collect data along a coastline. Electric Vehicle Battery Technology - Second Edition eBook NEW...
一般简称Strozier图书馆,是FSU的主要图书馆,一共七层,藏书包括人类学,社会科学, 商科和教育. Strozier...
Geometry of Space: Lattices, Groups, and Transformations in 2D and 3D - Prof. John R. Quin (1) Newton's Laws of Motion and Problem Solving in College Physics A BASIC DYSRHYTHMIA ASSESSMENT A COMPLETE Calculus II - Test 3 Solutions: Diff. Equations, Parametric Curves, and Polar Eqns. - ...
Florida State University (FSU) 600 W College Ave, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA https://www.fsu.edu/ All the materials on this page are produced by students, therefore the authorship of these documents is not attributable to the University, with which there is no collaboration agreement. ...
Materials science is a rapidly growing area of research in journals tracked by the Nature Index and one where the real-world applications are often an essential part of tackling global environmental and health challenges. This supplement focuses on some of these appli...
Valentina MarkusovaRuggero Gilyarevskii and Arkady Chernyi VINITI, Moscow, Republic of RussiaBelver C. GriffithCollege of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University, PhiladelphiaWilliam D. GarveyJohns Hopkins University, BaltimoreSpringer-VerlagPublishing Research Quarterly...
I am happy to announce I am now the Vice President of the Biomedical Science Graduate Student Association at the Florida State University College of Medicine! Looking forward to serving my tenure as your benevolentrulerVP! Xue Xia’s Manuscript Accepted to Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences ...
AFRL continues to balance its diverse science and technology, or S&T, portfolio with priorities near, mid and far, while simultaneously growing partnerships across academia and industry. These partnerships are essential to cover an enormous breadth of technological demands and bring the force multiplica...