/** * 将fstream再包装 * 单元测试在CoreTest/test_TSore.cpp */ class WrapFstream { std::fstream * st; FILE * file; public: MFileStream(){ file = NULL; st = NULL; } ~MFileStream(){ close(); } bool open(const char * fileName, const char * mode){ return this->open(string(fil...
5、:12.txt");默认以ios:out 的方式打开文件fstream f("d:12.dat",ios:i n| ios:out|ios:bi nary);/以读写方式打开二进制文件使用Open成员函数fstream f;f.ope n( "d:12.txt",ios:out);/利用同一对象对多个文件进行操作时要用到open函数检查是否成功打开成功:if (f) ./ 对 ifstream、ofstream ...
@fileName: 要创建的文件的全路径 @content: 文件内容 @canBeEmptyFile: 文件内容是否可以为空,默认值为FALSE */ BOOLCTestFaxDlg::CreateFile(CString fileName, CString content,BOOLcanBeEmptyFile) { if(content.GetLength() > 0 || canBeEmptyFile) { ofstream outFile; outFile.open(fileName, ios::ou...
fstream file; file.open( "rm.txt", ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc ); file << "testing"; } 一下就是最好的东东了,是在msdn中找到的,是fstream::open(filename,strmode)有关几种方式的组合讨论问题,是英文的,我感觉学计算机还是多看英文的,就不再翻译了: The member function opens the file ...
int main() { dtbrec xrec; // class object fstream flh; // Doesn't create a new file unless ios::trunc is also given. flh.open("database.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary); flh.seekp(0,ios::end); xrec.getdata(); flh.write((char*)&xrec, sizeof(dtbrec)); flh....
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { // Create and open a text file fstream MyFile("filename.txt"); // Write to the file MyFile << "Files can be tricky, but it is fun enough!"; // Read from the file string myText; getline(MyFile, myText...
{//open wide-named file with byte name wchar_t wc_name[FILENAME_MAX]; if(mbstowcs_s(NULL, wc_name, FILENAME_MAX, filename, FILENAME_MAX-1)!=0) return(0); return_Fiopen(wc_name, mode, prot); } wbstowcs_s方法最终进入到了_mbstowcs_l_helper方法, ...
open(target, ios: : binary ios: : out ios: : trunc); if(! infile){ cerr "File open error! " endl; exit(1); if (! outfile) ( cerr "File create error! " endl; exit(1); infile. seekg(0, ios: : end); bytes = infile. tellg(); infile. seekg(0, ios: : beg); infile....
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> int main() { std::ifstream file("C:\\path\\to\\example.txt"); if (file.is_open()) { std::cout << "File opened successfully." << std::endl; // 执行文件操作 file.close(); } else { std::cout << "Failed to open file." << std:...
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>usingnamespacestd;intmain() { string t_stream; fstream test_file; test_file.open("testfile.txt", ios::in | ios::out );if( test_file.is_open() ) {while( test_file.good() ) { getline( test_file, t_stream ); cout << t_stream << endl; ...