这也使我开始意识到自动挂载是由GUI/DE操作的。 若你的Raspberry Pi作为远端服务器设备,也在运行桌面版,不妨使用Desktop Environment作为你的工具帮你实现自动挂载。 参考资料 [1] Archlinux Wiki – Fstabhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fstab [2] How to setup mount / auto-mount USB Hard Drive on ...
[2] How to setup mount / auto-mount USB Hard Drive on Raspberry Pi https://gist.github.com/etes/aa76a6e9c80579872e5f [3] mount(8) – debian wiki https://manpages.debian.org/jessie/mount/mount.8.en.html [4] Stock Pi3 – what process is auto-mounting removable media? https://ra...
[1] Archlinux Wiki – Fstab https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fstab [2] How to setup mount / auto-mount USB Hard Drive on Raspberry Pi https://gist.github.com/etes/aa76a6e9c80579872e5f [3] mount(8) – debian wiki https://manpages.debian....
忘记修改/etc/fstab文件,导致了如下启动linux错误,开启进入紧急模式 error getting authority error initia...
it’s okay to explicitly state your options. Things that are mounted from temporary places (like USB) won’t follow this basic pattern unless you created entries for them (by UUID) in fstab. It’s convenient when you want an external hard drive to always mount in a particular way, becaus...
dev_mount sdcard /storage/extSdCard auto /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.1/mmc_host/mmc1/#usb host device { media_type = usb supported_exfat = yes}dev_mount sda /storage/UsbDriveA auto /devices/platform/msm_hsusb_host/usb#usb host device { media_type = usb supported_exfat = yes}dev_...
are treated each time they are introduced to a system. Consider USB drives, for example. Today, we are so used to the plug and play nature of our favorite external drives that we may completely forget that operations are going on behind the scenes to mount the drive and read/write data....
分享8赞 李毅吧 啦啦啦德玛西西 怎么修改vold.fstab文件将内存和扩展内存互换,以下是源代码{ supported_exfat = yes}dev_mount sdcard /storage/extSdCard auto /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.1/mmc_host/mmc1/#usb host device { media_type = usb supported_exfat = yes}dev_mount sda /storage/UsbDriveA...