Products > Data communication test instrument > FST-2802 TestPad 千兆以太网测试仪 FST-2802 TestPad 千兆以太网测试仪 特点——全线速流量发送以测试10/100/1000Mbps以太网(Ethernet)业务——以100%线速测试1.0625 Gbps和2.125 Gbps 光纤通道(FiberChannel SAN)业务——针对各类以太网(Ethernet)及光纤通道(Fiber...
美国JDSU FST-2802 TestPad千兆以太网测试仪是一款功能强大的仪表,能检测光纤通道、以太网和IP业务,一机多用。此外,仪器还支持VLAN标签处理功能和双端口测试,帮助工程师获得更准的数据。 美国JDSU FST-2802 TestPad千兆以太网测试仪产品简介: 美国JDSU FST-2802 TestPad千兆以太网测试仪是一台结构坚固的、采用电池...
美国JDSU FST-2802 TestPad千兆以太网测试仪是一款功能强大的仪表,能检测光纤通道、以太网和IP业务,一机多用。此外,仪器还支持VLAN标签处理功能和双端口测试,帮助工程师获得更准的数据。 询价电话: 400 901 1718 常见问题 相关仪器 服务保障: 正原厂仪器 ...
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Model: JDSU FST-2802-V6 Category: In-Circuit Testers Condition: used Location: Florida, USA Contact Supplier JDSU FST-2802-V6 Acterna Ethernet and Fibre Channel services module with FST2000 TestPad The FST2802 is a handheld Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and IP services test instrument designed to...
General Testers : JDSU FST-2802-V6 The FST2802 is a handheld Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and IP services test instrument designed to meet the needs of service providers for turning up and troubleshooting these various services. The FST-2802 enables technicians to use one test set to turn up ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现ACTERNA FST-2802 手持式千兆以太网测的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于ACTERNA FST-2802 手持式千兆以太网测的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!
ACTERNA/JDSU/TTC FST-2802-GIGE TESTPAD GIGABIT TESTER REPAIRED Acterna FST-2802 TestPad Gigabit Ethernet Services Module Now able to test Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and IP services in a single test instrument! Ethernet Traffic Testing The FST-2802 allows users to transmit traffic up to 100% of ...
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