While cement can be an attractive sector, it requires a rational competitive environment with few players and favourable regulation. We were attracted to Indocement because of the oligopolistic industry structure, wherein the leader Semen Indonesia, along w...
Although studies of young citizens parallel those of their elders in society relating to the main sets of theories outlined above (see Šerek and Lomičová2020), scholarship on adolescents also draws attention to the ways in which democratic support is shaped by experiences that are intimate, ...
Detectors required by regulation II-2/20.4 and installed in spaces that comply with regulation II-2/ of the Convention need not be suitable for hazardous areas. Detectors fitted in spaces carrying dangerous goods, required by regulation II-2/19, table 19.3, of the Convention to comply...
schoolwork (Kitts and Leal2021). In contrast, we assume that most contacts among parents are less multi-faceted and predominantly used to exchange school-related information or coordinating their children’s out-of-school activities (Lareau2011; Small2009). Following these arguments, we expect that...
TSG 特种设备安全技术规范 TSG 51—2023 起重机械安全技术规程 Regulation on Safety Technology for Lifting Appliances 国家市场监督管理总局发布 2023年5月23日 特种设备安全技术规范 TSG 51—2023 前言 2020 年 4 月,国家市场监督管理总局特种设备安全监察局(以下简称市场监管总 局特种设备局)向中国特种设备检测...
[2]FSB.Shadow Banking:Scoping and Issues[EB/OL].http://www.financialstabilityboard.org/publications/r_110412a.pdf,April 12,2011a [3]FSB.Shadow Banking:Strengthening Oversight andRegulation[EB/OL].http://www.financialstabilityboard.org/publications/r_111027a.pdf,October 27,2011b ...
This article reviews assumptions, contributions, and impasses of the two most important theories of capitalist diversity: Esping-Andersen’s (1990) welfare regime and Hall and Soskice’s (2001) varieties of capitalism typology. It shows that each theory implies a multilevel structure that nests lo...