Supports Nukem's FSR FG mod dlssg-to-fsr3 (since version 0.7.7) Configuration Please check this document for configuration parameters and explanations. If your GPU is not an Nvidia one, check GPU spoofing options (Will be updated) Known Issues If you can't open in-game menu: Please check...
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
1.准备文件:去作者GitHub: Releases · Nukem9/dlssg-to-fsr3 ( 或 下载文件: 确保你下载到的文件大概是这样的: 2.【重要】打开win设置,确保硬件加速GPU计划开启: 3.打开支持dlss3.5补帧的游戏目录: 依次打开bin,x64文件夹,来到x64目录【...
在文件资源管理器的地址栏输入以下地址 按回车 %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\SilentHill2\Saved\Config\Windows 进入Windows文件夹 找到Engine.ini 双击打开 第二步 在文件后面 添加 [SystemSettings] r.FidelityFX.FI.Enabled=1 第三步 保存 然后启动游戏 注意:改完后不会出现帧生成的选项,将游戏中超级采样 改成...
Github),因此有关FSR 2.0错误的更新很可能主要由他自己和开源社区的其他成员处理。我只是为他的mod...
FSR3 goes open source: "AMD on Thursday announced the first release of FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 (FSR 3) source code through the company's GPUOpen initiative. The company just set up an FSR 3 source code repo on GitHub that game devs everywhere can take advantage of. This in...
The file DLSS Unlocker for all GPUs including AMD Radeon (FSR/(FidelityFX Super Resolution mod) v.2.1.2b is a modification for Red Dead Redemption 2, a(n) action game. Download for free. File Size: 1.7 MB
The file DLSS Unlocker for all GPUs including AMD Radeon (FSR/FidelityFX Super Resolution mod) v.2.1.2 is a modification for Horizon: Zero Dawn - Complete Edition, a(n) action game. Download for free. File Size: 1.5 MB
| 其实A卡有3大优势,连老黄都自愧不如!虽然n卡一家独大,但是a卡却始终拥有一群铁粉,今天就来说一下a卡的三个优势。1、价格更亲民在性能相近的情况下,a卡总是比a卡便宜不少,而且在显卡更新迭代之后,上一代的a卡优惠力度往往比较大,如果不是追求极致性能,入手a家的上一代显卡也是比较划算的。2、画质更好...
1.Download the mod's regular version -dlssg-to-fsr3 NexusModsordlssg-to-fsr3 Github 2.Put thedlssg_to_fsr3_amd_is_better.dllin the same folder as Optiscaler (by the main game exe) and setFGType=nukemsinOptiscaler.ini 3.ForAMD/Intel GPUs,Fakenvapiis alsorequiredwhen usingNukem modi...