One of the exciting aspects of these updates is the number of games that continue to be added under the FSR-supported umbrella. For your convenience, here is a list of available and upcoming games that support AMD FSR 2 and FSR 3. This post will be updated when new games are added t... 硬件介绍 第一款是来自旗舰级的蓝宝石RX 7900 XTX超白金OC,外观采用银灰色金属导流罩+侧面长条LED导光层全新设计,拥有高达2679MHz Boost频率和高规格用料,显卡配备3Pin ARGB插针、4Pin风扇插针和BIOS切换开关,是目前... 硬件介绍 第一款是来自旗舰级的蓝宝石RX 7900 XTX超白金OC,外观采用银灰色金属导流罩+侧面长条LED导光层全新设计,拥有高达2679MHz Boost频率和高规格用料,显卡配备3Pin ARGB插针、4Pin风扇插针和BIOS切换开关,是目前... 硬件介绍 第一款是来自旗舰级的蓝宝石RX 7900 XTX超白金OC,外观采用银灰色金属导流罩+侧面长条LED导光层全新设计,拥有高达2679MHz Boost频率和高规格用料,显卡配备3Pin ARGB插针、4Pin风扇插针和BIOS切换开关,是目前... 以上链接可以查看目前最新支持FSR 2.0游戏列表,持续更新中,有需要可查看 核心测试硬件介绍 测试的显卡主要是RX 6900 XT、RX 6750 XT和RX 6650 XT三款,分别代表旗舰、中高端和甜点级,下面简单介绍一下。
As for upcoming games and game updates, titles recently added to our support list includeAchilles: Legends Untold,Century: Age of Ashes,Deliver Us Mars,Forever Skies,Fort Solis, andMeet Your Maker. The latest complete list of supported FSR 2 games can befound in our AMD Red Tea...
However, as FSR 3 and AFMF are frame generation tools and not upscalers, we’ll discuss them in a separate article.) You can see a list of games with FSR 2 and FSR 3 on AMD's website.If your game supports FSR upscaling, it's one of the best ways to improve performance while ...
Using FSR2 requires some additional GPU local memory to be allocated for consumption by the GPU. When using the FSR2 API, this memory is allocated when the FSR2 context is created, and is done so via the series of callbacks which comprise the backend interface. This memory is used to sto...
For example, if the game in question is in AMD’s HYPR-Tuned games list, enabling HYPR-RX will automatically set Radeon Super Resolution (RSR) or FSR to the Quality preset, alongside AMD Radeon Anti-Lag and AMD Radeon Boost. HYPR-RX will instead enable AFMF to ensure you get the smooth...
List of games, not complete. Note the witcher 3. Note the use of the term PhysX. Remember DLSS wont catch on, its closed and only supports nvidia cards. FSR 1 was better than DLSS (all versions of some) and open sourced, lets not forget the videos now showing FSR 1 behind FSR 2 ...