FSP,是Functional Service Provider的缩写,意为基于职能的服务提供者,在临床研究领域中,指为CRO为企业提供其所需的职能的人力资源,包括但不限于CRA、QA、PM、DM、PV等等。传统模式下,企业提出人员需求,CRO招聘面试相应的人员,再外派至企业中,多数为中、短期固定期限合同,有时运气好或者特别优秀的的外派人员,可能在...
Functional Services Partnership from PPD provides FSP solutions for clinical trial management and post approval marketing.
We support you with innovative solutions beyond traditional functional serviceprovider (FSP) models. Our analytics on demand service provides flexible and comprehensive support throughout the drug development life cycle tailored to meet your unique project needs. ...
Learn More THE FUNCTIONAL SERVICE PROVIDER FOR YOUR BIOSTATISTICAL NEEDS We specialize in building bespoke teams of highly skilled Statistical Programmers, Biostatisticians, and Data Managers tailored to meet the unique requirements of each sponsor. Since 1993, we have ensured the success of clinical tri...
FSP,是Functional Service Provider的缩写,意为基于职能的服务提供者,在临床研究领域中,指为CRO为企业提供其所需的职能的人力资源,包括但不限于CRA、QA、PM、DM、PV等等。传统模式下,企业提出人员需求,CRO招聘面试相应的人员,再外派至企业中,多数为中、短期固定期限合同,有时运气好或者特别优秀的的外派人员,可能...
Functional Service Provider (FSP) Model The Functional Service Provider model have long been associated with large pharma companies, outsourcing departments, and off-shoring practices that emphasize low cost over quality and scale over thoughtful program management. ...
FSP(Functional Service Provider)顾名思义,FSP模型描述了一种申办方将大部分功能活动或有限的一组活动外包给合作伙伴的参与模式。这种参与模式可以是FTE(资源/小时成本),也可以是基于单位/交付品的模式(例如CRF的数量、表格、清单、PV案例和访问次数)。在这样一...
随着临研行业对专业人才的需求越来越大,FSP(Functional Service Provider,职能服务提供者,也就是通俗所说的人力外派)应运而生。 到底,什么是快乐星球FSP? 和传统CRO的CRA/PM有什么区别呢? 今天就为大家一一揭晓 三二一,见证奇迹的时刻! FSP一般是定向为跨国或创新药企输送专业CRA、PM等专业人才,直接参与外派单位的...
ProPharma as your preferred Functional Service Provider (FSP) At ProPharma, FSPs are true functional partnerships – we become an extension of your team, fully dedicated to the delivery of your clinical portfolio. With our FSP solutions, you will benefit from:...
FSP,是Functional Service Provider的缩写,意为基于职能的服务提供者,在临床研究领域中,指为CRO为企业提供其所需的职能的人力资源,包括但不限于CRA、QA、PM、DM、PV等等。传统模式下,企业提出人员需求,CRO招聘面试相应的人员,再外派至企业中,多数为中、短期固定期限合同,有时运气好或者特别优秀的的外派人员,可能在...