This page contains tidbits on writing FSM in verilog, difference between blocking and non blocking assignments in verilog, difference between wire and reg, metastability, cross frequency domain interfacing, all about resets, FIFO depth calculation,Typica
example/dff_onstate_1 dff_onstate_1.png 分析: 1)'do' 是输入信号,控制从状态 IDLE 到状态 RUN 做条件转移,控制从状态 RUN 到状态 LAST 做条件转移; 2)从状态 LAST 到状态 IDLE 是无条件转移 (equation = 1); 3)'r' 和 'f' 是 onstate 类型输出,其位置在状态圈上; 4)仿真结果显示输出 'r'...
Making multiple nonblocking assignments to the same variable in the same always block is defined by the Verilog Standard. The last nonblocking assignment to the same variable wins! (See reference [5] for details). 6.2 10-state simple FSM design - one always blocks Example 5 is the fsm_cc7...
下面例子是把 'example/onstate_1' 从一页设计改成两页的设计。 ![1) 菜单 'File/Open' 打开 'example/onstate_1'设计例子 点击左下角 'Create New Page']( 3) ...
XST allows control of finite state machines using attributes or from the GUI. However XST will ignore attributes (or meta-comments in Verilog) unless you set the FSM mode to "user". Here is an example of synthesis of a simple enumerated type and the results: ...
Each state has a unique state number, and states are usually assigned numbers as s0 (state 0), s1, s2, and s3 (for the four-state example). 每一个状态都有唯一的状态编号 As well as containing flip-flops to define the individual states of the FSM uniquely, there is also combinational ...
Fizzim2是一个FSM (Finite State Machine) 工具,可以自动生成 Verilog HDL 代码。 这个工具源于Fizzim,一个非常好的设计。给作者提了几点改进建议,没有被采纳!也许是理念不同,也许是语言不通(一个中国人和一个德国人之间使用英语交流)。好在原设计是开源的(点赞),于是就自己动手操刀了。
Multi-Threading in RTL Synthesis Tcl Script Example Setting Constraints Vivado Preconfigured Strategies Synthesis Attributes Introduction Supported Attributes ASYNC_REG ASYNC_REG Verilog Example ASYNC_REG VHDL Examples BLACK_BOX BLACK_BOX Verilog Example BLACK_BOX VHDL Example CASCADE_HEIGH...
With the default_state set for the fsm_safe_state attribute, the value applied to the state register in the default or "when others" section of a case statement will be used as the safe state. Verilog Example: (* fsm_safe_state = "reset_state" *) reg [2:0] state; ...
SystemVerilog实现 module ExampleFSM ( input logic clk , input logic reset , input logic X , output logic Y ); typedef enum logic [2:0] {A, B, C, D, E} state ; // 定义枚举类型 state currentState, nextState ; // 声明自定义类型变量 ...