A block diagram of such a detector is reproduced below from GNU Radio wiki where the block Quadrature Demod is encircled in red. Here, a larger flowgraph can be viewed by clicking on the image below. Such a structure can be used to demodulate several frequency modulation schemes such as FM...
There are three major classes of digital modulation techniques used for transmission of digitally represented data: Amplitude-shift keying (ASK)Frequency-shift keying (FSK)Phase-shift keying (PSK)key应该是这个意思:roughen a surface so that plaster or paint will stick to it, 把表⾯弄粗糙以便附着...
There are three major classes of digital modulation techniques used for transmission of digitally represented data: Amplitude-shift keying (ASK) Frequency-shift keying (FSK) Phase-shift keying (PSK) key应该是这个意思:roughen a surface so that plaster or paint will stick to it, 把表面弄粗糙以便...
The short form of Phase Shift Keying is referred asPSK. It is digital modulation technique where in phase of the RF carrier is changed based on digital input. Figure depicts Binary Phase Shift Keying modulation type of PSK. As shown in the figure, Binary 1 is represented by 180 degree phas...