由于多种原因,目前对预测生殖结局LH/FSH比值的合适阈值尚未有明确的标准:1)并非所有PCOS患者中都存在LH/FSH异常的状况;2)不同促排卵方案对于内源性LH和FSH分泌的抑制作用不同,因此不同方案中预测生殖结局的LH/FSH 标准可能不同;3)冷冻...
由于多种原因,目前对预测生殖结局LH/FSH比值的合适阈值尚未有明确的标准:1)并非所有PCOS患者中都存在LH/FSH异常的状况;2)不同促排卵方案对于内源性LH和FSH分泌的抑制作用不同,因此不同方案中预测生殖结局的LH/FSH 标准可能不同;3)冷冻...
but few studies investigate the prediction power of LH: FSH ratio in predicting IVF/ ICSI outcomes. This study was carried out to recognize and validate the importance of early follicular phase LH concentration and LH to FSH ratio as predictor of IVF/ICSI outcome....
结论: FSH/LH 比值可以预测卵巢反应性, 在 COS 中计算 Gn 起始剂量具有临床指导意义。【关键词】FSH/LHCOS临床妊娠率Significance of basal FSH/LH ratio in controlled ovarian stimulationFAN Gui - Ling, LI Feng - Xia, ZHANG Long - Yue. Department ofReproduction and Genetics, Tangshan Maternal and...
结论FSH/LH血清比值可作为一项评价围绝经期卵巢功能可靠指标 。关键词 :围绝经期;性激素;化学发光仪D O I:10.3969/j.issn.1673 -4130.2014.23.007文献标识码:A文章编号:1673 -4130(2014)23 - 3171 -03Study on FSH / L H ratio in evaluating perim enopausalovarian functionC ong Jianhua(D epartm ent...
This study was conducted to evaluate if cycle day 3 (CD3) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)/luteinizing hormone (LH) ratio can be a predictor for the IVF outcome in young sub-fertile females ≤ 35 years with normal baseline FSH. This is a retrospective case control study conducted at the ...
To evaluate the value of elevated day 3 FSH/LH ratio in predicting IVF results in young and older women.One hundred seventy-four women with normal day 3 FSH levels undergoing IVF treatment were studied. Patients were divided into two groups according to basal FSH/LH ratio: Group 1(FSH/LH ...
Seckin B;Turkcapar F;Ozaksit G.Elevated day 3 FSH/LH ratio:a marker to predict IVF outcome in young and older women.J Assist Reprod Genet.2012.231-236Elevated day 3 FSH/LH ratio: a marker to predict IVF outcome in young and older women[J] . Berna Seckin,Figen Turkcapar,Gulnur Ozak...
Conclusions: The basal FSH/LH ratio may be a good predictor of ovarian response while selecting proper stimulation protocol and dosage of start. But we cannot predict the outcome of IVF/ICSI only by basal FSH/LH ratio.Y., MengY., Mao...