int fseek( std::FILE* stream, long offset, int origin ); 设置文件流的文件位置指示符。stream... 如果stream是以二进制模式打开的,新位置正好是offset从文件开头测量的字节数origin是SEEK_SET,则从当前文件位置返回origin是SEEK_CUR,并且从文件的末尾开始,如果origin是SEEK_END不需要二进制流来支持...
(inputFile,0,SEEK_END); source_buf=calloc(1,1+sizeofFile); /* now check rc */fprintf(stderr, "Size of the file=%d;freadre 浏览6提问于2012-03-31得票数 0 6回答 使用C++以二进制模式读取整个文件 、 我正在尝试使用可视c++以二进制模式读取整个jpg文件。代码如下:if(fd == NULL) { ret...
The whence parameter specifies the reference point for the offset. It can take values like SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END, determining whether the offset is calculated from the beginning, current position, or end of the file, respectively. 5. What is the return type of the fseek() funct...
SEEK_SET 文件开头 SEEK_CUR 文件指针的当前位置 SEEK_END end of file 如果成功,那么即使 origin 为SEEK_END , fseek () 函数也会清除 EOF 指示符,并取消任何先前的 ungetc () 或 ungetwc () 函数对同一流的影响。 如果对 fseek () 函数或 fsetpos () 函数的调用无效,那么会将该调用视为清空,并废弃...
文件开头 SEEK_SET 0 当前位置 SEEK_CUR 1 文件末尾 SEEK_END 2 例如,把位置指针移动到离文件开头100个字节处: 1 fseek(fp, 100, 0); 值得说明的是,fseek() 一般用于二进制文件,在文本文件中由于要进行转换,计算的位置有时会出错。 文件的随机读写 在移动位置指针之后,就可以用前面介绍的任何一种读写...
Information Our Partners Collect Details of the vendors that we use to improve your overall web browsing experience are provided in the tool. They use Cookies and Similar Technologies to connect you with your social networks and tailor advertising to better match your interests. ...
End of file Data Types:double|char|string Tips If a file hasnbytes of data, then thosenbytes are in positions0throughn-1. Alternatives To move to the beginning of a file, call frewind(fileID) This call is identical to fseek(fileID, 0, 'bof') ...
SEEK_END End of file. This function changes the current file position associated withstreamto a new location in the file. The next operation on the stream takes place at the new location. On a stream open for update, the next operation can be either a reading or a writing operation. ...
SEEK_SETBeginning of file. You can usefseekand_fseeki64to reposition the pointer anywhere in a file. The pointer can also be positioned beyond the end of the file.fseekand_fseeki64clears the end-of-file indicator and negates the effect of any priorungetccalls againststream. ...