新数据建立在FSCS和FCA努力教育消费者对安全投资方面做出明智选择的重要性的基础上。随着FSCS的新在线工具Investment Protection Checker的推出,消费者现在可以检查他们的投资是否受到保护——并通过查看FCA的ScamSmart页面熟悉欺诈者的策略。该研究的其他发现包括:•在进行金融投资的英国人中,超过十分之一(11%)表示...
I have rung and emailed many brokers about this, as well as the FSCS. The problem is the FSCS website has a protection checker which lists different investment products but for most, when you click on them it just says you may be “possibly protected” – what does that mean? When I ...