在解决"fsconfig system call failed"错误时,我们需要根据上下文和相关的系统日志或错误信息来进行分析。以下是针对这一错误的详细解答: 1. 确定"fsconfig system call failed"错误的上下文 根据参考信息[@1@],这个错误发生在尝试挂载NFS(Network File System)服务器的一个目录时。具体的命令是: bash sudo mount ...
mount: /xx: fsconfig system call failed: NFS: mount program didn't pass remote address. dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call. 原因: 用showmount -e ip 查看,报错没有命令 安装pacman -S nfs-utils 之后showmount正常显示,mount也正常了...
TheGreatDeadOnechanged the titlesystemd-remount-fs.service : mount: /: fsconfig system call failed: overlay: No changes allowed in reconfigure.SB with bootc: systemd-remount-fs.service : mount: /: fsconfig system call failed: overlay: No changes allowed in reconfigure.Oct 14, 2024 mount p...
run at that time. Several oops: oops 1: android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED configfs-gadget gadget: super-speed config#1: b android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONFIGURED init: Received control message 'start' for 'adbd' from pid: 3515 (system_server) Unable to handle kernel ...
I had put at the entry of gckDEVICE_Construct, however crash comes during the call it self and print doesn't show up.If I make CONFIG_MXC_GPU_VIV as a lodable module (CONFIG_MXC_GPU_VIV=m) an load it from init.rc I don't see this crash instead see a Android syst...
fxos8700 4-001e: i2c block read acc failed x17: 0000e395735727e8 x16: ffff00000829f4d4 x15: ffffffffffffffff x14: 7463656e6e6f6320 x13: 746f6e2009090920 x12: 7369207461687420 x11: 7465676461472061 x10: 206e6f207463656e x9 : 6e6f637369642067 x8 : ffff000009c8e280 ...
E0124 10:11:38.873433 1 reflector.go:156] k8s.io/client-go/informers/factory.go:135: Failed to list *v1.PersistentVolume: persistentvolumes is forbidden: User "system:kube-scheduler" cannot list resource "persistentvolumes" in API group "" at the cluster scope ...