最近,金融稳定理事会(The Financial Stability Board,FSB)发布了2024年全球系统重要性银行名单(Global Systemically Important Banks,简称G-SIBs),共有29家银行入围,国内的五大国有银行工农中建交都入围了,但是分组排名都相对靠后,排名靠前的依然是摩根大通、花旗与汇丰等银行。 金融稳定理事会 (FSB) 创立于2009年,负...
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) today published the 2022 list of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs).
The article focuses on the claim of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) that higher capital requirements on global systemically important banks will affect aggregate input.EBSCO_bspTotal Securitization & Credit Investment...
【上证e互动】“黑白郎君” 提问:金融危机后FSB 发布《Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) standard for globalsystemically important banks 》,对GSIB提出了相当高的资本充足率要求,尽管兴业目前还不属于GSIB,但也是国内系统性重要行,如果国有大行跟随FSB的最新要求,兴业该如何应对资本金紧张的难题?兴业在跟随全球...
as noted in the FSB’s recent statement on the importance of resolution planning and loss-absorbing capacity for banks which may be systemically significant or critical if they fail. Members further noted the increasing significance of regionally systemic banks and emphasised the need for African...
In 2022, when the FSB decided to discontinue the annual identification of global systemically important insurers (G-SIIs), it committed to publish a list of insurers subject to the resolution planning standards of the FSB Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions. Membe...
the FSB to identify global systemically important financial institutions and to mitigate the risks these institutions pose to the global economy. One aspect of this effort is to facilitate the coordinated resolution, under a common set of goals and principles, ...
展开 关键词: Financial markets regulation financial system reform global banking international organizations systemically important financial institutions systemically important banks G20 Financial Stability Board international financial regulation and supervision global financial system DOI...
However, the introduction of “global stablecoins” could pose a host of challenges to the regulatory community, not least because they have the potential to become systemically important, including through the substitution of domestic currencies. These include challenges for financial stability; con...
查看研报客 Eighth Report on the Implementation of Resolution Reforms Overview Significant progress has been achieved, but there is need to be mindful of remaining gaps. An important lesson of the global financial crisis was that it is insufficient for authorities to rely entirely on policies aimed ...