This paper is both summery of design and fabrication of exhaust system for FSAE car, which can pr 8、ovide useful reference of the design of exhaust system for teams in China. Key Words: Exhaust system, Muffler , Resonance effect, bendFSAE赛车排气系统设计与分析张勰嵩 0 引言众所周知,要设计...
第6章转向系统设计 第6章转向系统设计 6.1转向系统概述 转向传动机构的功用是将转向器输出的力和运动传到转向桥两侧的转向节,使 两侧转向轮偏转,且使二个转向轮..
The air intake restrictor of an FSAE car is associated with the fluid flow analysis of the system. Structural integrity of the restrictor plays a major role in the optimization of the system thus obtaining aero-structural interaction. This paper aims at the optimization of the restrictor ...
整个车分成Chassis Aero Suspension Drivetrain Battery Control 和Electronics七个组,主力队员都是刚入队的...
其实我们直到新车发布的当天中午才把最后一个aero零件扩散器做出来,安在车上之后立刻就运到发布会现场了。(因为这个零件是赶工出来的,质量非常差,发布之后还被绿队某队员吐槽了,哈哈) 测试阶段就是测试车的性能,调一些平衡之类的,也就不多说了 上几张发布会的照片吧 然后就是参加比赛,比赛基本是从7月底到8月底...
STAR-CCM+ aero automotive resources and suggestions In my experience, when I've run 2D cases for the front wing, the assumptions made in 2d are so far from 3d that 2d isn't useful. To elaborate, I’ve run 2d front wing optimization cases using the design manager where position, angle...
Racing Car Vehicle Dynamics[M]. Society of Automotive Engineers,Inc.,1995. [4]SMITH V. Tune to Win[M]. AERO Publishers,Inc.,1978. [5]余志生. 汽车理论[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社,2006:108-117.Yu Zhisheng. Theory of Automobile[M]. Beijing:China Machine Press,2006:108-117. (in Chinese)...
The air intake restrictor of an FSAE car is associated with the fluid flow analysis of the system. Structural integrity of the restrictor plays a major role in the optimization of the system thus obtaining aero-structural interaction. This paper aims at the optimization of the restrictor ...
STAR-CCM+ aero automotive resources and suggestions In my experience, when I've run 2D cases for the front wing, the assumptions made in 2d are so far from 3d that 2d isn't useful. To elaborate, I’ve run 2d front wing optimization cases using the design manager w...
整个车分成Chassis Aero Suspension Drivetrain Battery Control 和Electronics七个组,主力队员都是刚入队的...